Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp3.djvu/290

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[Post-Captain of 1814.]

Received his first commission April 18, 1799; and was senior lieutenant of l’Immortalité frigate. Captain Edward C. R. Owen, at the bombardment of Dieppe and St. Valery-en-Caux, Sept. 14, 1803, from which period he served under the same excellent officer until promoted to the rank of commander, Dec. 26, 1806[1].

On the 26th Sept. 1809, Captain Payne was appointed to the Cretan brig, in which vessel he captured the Neptune Danish privateer, of 5 guns and 24 men, on the North Sea station, Oct. 28, 1810. His post commission bears date June 7, 1814.

Captain Payne subsequently commanded the St. Lawrence 102, bearing the broad pendant of Sir Edward Owen, at Kingston, on Lake Ontario. He married, in 1811, Miss Elizabeth Bryer, of Dorchester.

A Companion of the Most Honorable Military Order of the Bath.
[Post-Captain of 1814.]

This officer was made lieutenant June 3, 1799; promoted to the rank of commander June, 4. 1807; and appointed to the Redpole brig, of 10 guns, in the summer of 1809.

On the 9th Dec. 1809, Beachy Head then bearing N. by E. distant 9 leagues, wind west. Captain Macdonald observed two luggers on his lee bow, to which chase was immediately given. At 10 A.M. he got alongside the weathermost, which had the temerity to engage the Redpole for half an hour, when she surrounded, and proved to be lo Grand Rodeur, Trench privateer, of 16 guns and 80 men. The enemy had one man killed and two wounded.

The Redpole was afterwards very actively employed off

  1. See Vol II. Part I. pp. 126-134. – N.B. Lieutenant Payne had charge of one of the principal explosion vessels at the attack of the Boulougne flotilla, Oct. 2, 1801.