Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp3.djvu/322

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and about the same distance from the Helder Point. The Hero a complete wreck, lying on her starboard broadside, head to the N.E. and broken a-midships, the sea making a a tremendous breach over her occasionally. By this time, all the small craft from the Helder were under weigh, and turning out of the harbour to our assistance. We, in the meanwhile, hoisted out the boats, and made an attempt at getting near the Hero; but all our efforts were fruitless, owing to the terrible surf around her, and we were obliged to abandon all idea of being able to render her any relief till the arrival of the Dutch schuyts, which were plying to windward. They, however, did not get nearer than about three miles of us, before the ebb tide failed, and they were obliged to anchor.

“At four p.m., finding night fast closing in, and the weather very unpromising, and seeing no prospect of saving our own lives, but by surrendering ourselves to the enemy, we cut our cable, and made sail for the Helder, beating for the space of nearly 3 or 4 miles over the flats, after which we succeeded in getting round the point, where we struck to the Dutch fleet, under the command of Vice-Admiral De Winter. At day-light, on the morning of the 25th, not a vestige of the Hero was to be seen where she lay the previous day, she having gone to pieces during the night.”

Captain Fanshawe’s post commission bears date June 7, 1814. He married, first, in May 1810, Anna Maria, second daughter of Colonel Jenkinson, of the Board of Green Cloth; and, secondly, Jan. 20, 1823, Caroline, third daughter of Francis Fownes Luttrell, Esq. late Chairman of the Board of Customs. One of his brothers is an aide-de-camp to the Grand Duke Constantine.

Agent.– J. Clementson, Esq.

[Post-Captain of 1814.]

Entered the navy under the patronage of the late Isaac Hawkins Browne, Esq. M.P. for Bridgenorth, co. Salop, D.C.L. and F.R.S. We first find him serving as an admi-