Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp3.djvu/337

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regiment, who had handsomely volunteered his services, Mr. John Winnard, clerk, Mr. T. L. Roberts, midshipman, and our handful of brave men. After a most obstinate contest, in which Lieutenant Ramsay was cut to pieces, with 4 of his small party, and Mr. Winnard and 4 others were severely wounded, the gallant survivors were overpowered by numbers, and the unequal contest concluded by the capture of their vessel; but not without so serious a slaughter on the part of their antagonist, and her masts and rigging being so much cut up, as must prevent the continuance of her cruise. I apprehend she has endeavoured to effect her escape to New Orleans, where, I have understood, she fitted out, some months past. During her cruise she has made several valuable captures, with the plunder of which she was filled. I have the honor to be, &c.

(Signed)H. Robinson.”

To James G. Vashon, Esq. Commodore, &c. Jamaica.

On the 8th May, 1814, Captain Robinson captured the Lizard American schooner privateer, of 2 long guns and 34 men. His promotion to post rank took place June 7 following. Since the peace he has commanded the Favorite 26, successively employed at St. Helena, in the Rio de la Plata, and on the Newfoundland station; from whence he returned, touching at Gibraltar and Cadiz on his way home, Dec. 21, 1820.

Captain Robinson married, June 17, 1822, Frances Elizabeth, only child of Henry W, Wood, of Rosmead, co. Westmeath, Ireland, Esq.

Agents.– Messrs. Goode and Clarke.

[Post-Captain of 1814.]

Was made lieutenant in July, 1801; commander Nov. 6, 1809; and post-captain June 7, 1614.

Agents.– Messrs. Stilwell.

[Post-Captain of 1814.]

This officer is a son of Head, M.D. of Halifax, Nova Scotia. His first commission bears date Dec. 10, 1804.

We have stated at p. 422 of Vol. II. Part I. that Lieutenant Head commanded the boats of the Euryalis frigate at the capture and destruction of a Danish gun-boat and two trans-