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martial, in Fort Royal bay, Martinique, Feb. 28, 1809, when the whole of them, and a few of her crew, obtained an honorable acquittal. In justice to the memory of the departed officers, the following declaration was made by the court:–

“That the conduct of Captain Gregory, from the commencement of the action to the period of his being killed, was most exemplary; and, that Mr. Anthony Metherell (master), Mr. Morgan Thomas (purser), Mr. Thomas Griffiths (carpenter), and all those of her crew who were killed during the battle, did perform their respective duties as became them.”

Of the remainder of the brig’s company then present to take their trial, 32 seamen and marines were found guilty of gross cowardice, and sentenced to 14 years’ transportation, except the Serjeant of marines, who was condemned to death, and, on the following day, executed.

We next find Lieutenant Deecker serving as first of La Junon frigate. Captain John Shortland, in which ship he was also wounded and taken prisoner, Dec. 13, 1809[1]. His conduct on that occasion was very highly eulogised by the court-martial, afterwards assembled at Guadaloupe to inquire into the circumstances attending her capture; and, in order to mark the high sense they entertained of his bravery, perseverance, and skill, his judges most strongly recommended him for promotion; in consequence of which he was deservedly advanced to the rank of commander, by Lord Mulgrave, April 17, 1810. On the 10th Mar. 1811, a pension

  1. La Junon was captured after a long and very gallant defence, to the N.E. of Guadaloupe, by a French squadron, under Mons. Roquefort, consisting of the 40-gun frigates Renommée, Clorinde, Loire, and Seine, the two former fully armed and manned, the latter armée en flûte, mounting 20 guns each, and having on board 400 troops in addition to their crews. The British ship had only 224 officers, men, and boys, of whom 44 were Portuguese and Spaniards.

    In this action, as glorious to the British name as the Carnation’s was disgraceful, la Junon had 60 officers and men killed and wounded; and her hull was 80 dreadfully shattered, that the enemy were compelled to burn her the morning after she became their prize.

    Among the mortally wounded was the heroic Captain Shortland, of whose services a memoir will be found in the Nav. Chron. vol. 24, pp. 1–21.