Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp3.djvu/372

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some time under the command of his father, with whom he sailed for the Mediterranean, May 22, 1793, as midshipman on board Lord Hood’s flag-ship, the Victory of 100 guns. He was consequently present at the occupation and evacuation of Toulon; likewise at the reduction of St. Fiorenzo, Bastia, and Calvi, in 1794[1].

On the 13th July, 1795, Mr. Knight witnessed the capture and destruction of l’Alcide French 74[2]. In Dec. following, he was removed to the Princess Royal 98, bearing the flag of Vice-Admiral Robert Linzee, which ship returned home in Sept. 1796. He then joined the Montagu 74, commanded by his father, on the North Sea station.

The Montagu formed part of Admiral Duncan’s fleet at the battle of Camperdown, on which memorable occasion Mr. Knight appears to have received a severe contusion. She was subsequently employed off Cadiz, under Lords St. Vincent and Keith.

On the 5th Mar. 1799, Mr. Knight was appointed a lieutenant of the Montagu; and we soon afterwards find him conducting a prize to Gibraltar, where he volunteered his services in a gun-boat, sent with three others to repel an attack made by 17 of the Algeziras flotilla upon a valuable fleet of merchantmen. After a severe action of nearly two hours, his boat was carried by boarding, and one of her companions sunk; but he had the satisfaction to see all the convoy, except 3 sail, escape. When exchanged, he was tried by a court-martial, honorably acquitted, and highly complimented on his gallantry and perseverance in maintaining so unequal a conflict.

The Montagu subsequently followed the enemies’ combined fleets up the Mediterranean, and from thence to Brest, off which port Captain Knight remained for some time in command of the inshore squadron.

On the 12th April, 1800, the Montagu brought 7 French frigates to action in Bertheaume bay; but from their being

  1. See Vol. I. pp. 46, 60, 251, &c. &c.
  2. See id. pp. 159 and 251.