Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp3.djvu/374

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From this period we lose sight of Lieutenant Knight until April, 1805, when he was appointed to the Guerriere 74, armée en flûte, bearing his father’s flag at Gibraltar. In the following month, he received an order to act as commander of the Childers brig, and was despatched on a particular mission to the Russian Admiral at Corfu. His subsequent appointments were, Feb. 1806, to the Sea Fencible service in Ireland; April 1810, to be flag-lieutenant to the Prince of Bouillon, at Jersey; and in Sept. same year, to be first of the Dragon 74. He obtained the rank of Commander, Oct. 21, 1810.

On the 21st Mar. 1812, Captain Knight was nominated to the command of the Romulus 36, armée en flûte, which ship appears to have been successively employed in conveying troops to Lisbon, Catalonia, and North America. In July, 1813, she assisted at the capture of Portsmouth and Ocracoke islands, on which occasion a beautiful brig mounting 18 long 9-pounders, and a schooner of 10 guns, were taken by the boats of the squadron under Rear-Admiral Cockburn[1].

The Romulus being put out of commission at Bermuda about Dec. 1813, Captain Knight was then appointed by Sir John B. Warren to command the Surprize 38, in which frigate he visited the Azores, the coast of Africa, the Cape Verd Isles, and the West Indies; and assisted at the capture of the Yankee Lass, American privateer schooner, of 9 guns and 80 men. May 1, 1814. His post commission was confirmed by the Admiralty, on the 7th of the following month.

In July 1815, Captain Knight, then commanding the Falmouth 20, accompanied the Pactolus and Hebrus frigates in an expedition up the Gironde, for the purpose of furnishing the French royalists with arms, &c. and opening a communication with Bourdeaux[2]. After conveying the senior officer’s despatches to England, he returned to that river, and remained there for some time in attendance upon the Duke and Duchess of Angouleme.

Captain Knight resigned the command of the Falmouth in Sept. 1815; received an appointment from the Lords Com-

  1. See Captain Sir George Augustus Westphal.
  2. See Vol. II. Part II. pp. 950-952, and Suppl. Part I. p. 217, et seq.