Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp3.djvu/396

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“On Marston, with Rupert[1], ‘gainst traitors contending.
Four brothers enriched, with their blood, the bleak field;
For the rights of a monarch, their country defending.
Till death their attachment to royalty seal'd.”

Lady Byron, the mother of those brave men, obtained leave from Cromwell to bury their remains. The following is a true copy of an autograph letter from King Charles II, to her son Richard, the second Lord Byron, dated “Brusselles, July 17, 1659:–

“This honest bearer hath delivered what you sent me, for which I thank you, and if he had not assured me from yourself that you do not [know] enough my mynde in particulars, I should have been very confident that you had not stood in neede of my advertisements, and I am confident you have before this time receaved advice from my frinds that you are to do, together with commissions, since I am sure they depende as much upon your interest and concurrance, as upon any mans; however that you may not be without commissions, which the bearer sayes positively you were when he lefte you, he will deliver you such as are necessary for the beginning, and then all things will afterwards be quickly supplyed, and I know you will be ready to doe as your neighbours and frinds shall, and by the healpe of God wee shall shortly meete, and you may be sure you shall alwayes finde me to be,

“Your very affectionate frinde.
“B.”(Signed)Charles R.”

The above nobleman died in 1679; and it is recorded on his tomb, in the church of Hucknel-Torkard, that he was enabled, by his honest endeavours, to repurchase part of the ancient inheritance of his family, which had been freely sacrificed, in order to raise supplies for Charles I., when that monarch first erected his standard at Newark. His grandson, William, fourth Lord Byron (born in 1669) was grandfather to the late Captain George Anson Byron, R.N., and also to the present Captain Richard Byron, C.B. whose services are recorded at pp. 620 – 628 of Vol. II. Part II.

The present Lord Byron is the only son of the said Captain George Anson Byron, by Miss Dallas, of the island of Jamaica; and cousin and successor to the late peer, who died at Missolonghi, in Greece, April 19, 1824.

  1. Prince Rupert, son of the Elector palatine, and related to Charles I. He commanded the English fleet after the restoration of royalty.