Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp3.djvu/426

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captains. At the latter period, he was appointed to the Pheasant 18, in which sloop he accompanied the expedition under Sir Samuel Achmuty, to the Rio de la Plata.

On the 16th Jan. 1807, Captain Palmer disembarked with the troops about to besiege Monte Video, leaving the Pheasant in charge of his first lieutenant, now Commander William Pearce Stanley. After the storming of that fortress, Feb. 3, he was detached by Rear-Admiral Stirling, with a light squadron under his orders, to assist in taking possession of Colonia del Sacramento, which service was performed, in conjunction with a body of troops under Lieutenant-Colonel Dennis Pack, on the 16th of the following month. His conduct throughout the whole of the campaign in South America was highly approved of by both the military and naval chiefs.

Subsequent to her return from thence, the Pheasant was employed in convoying the trade to Africa, the West Indies, and Newfoundland. She also cruised with some success on the Guernsey and Plymouth stations. Among other prizes taken by her were three French privateers carrying 25 guns and 155 men. Captain Palmer continued to command her until posted into the Wanderer of 20 guns, Oct. 9, 1814.

The subject of this sketch died at Thorn Falcon, near Taunton, co. Somerset, in July, 1828.

[Post-Captain of 1814.]

We first find this officer mentioned as the bearer of despatches from Lord Hugh Seymour to the Admiralty, announcing the capture of Surinam, in 1799; and, secondly, as an able assistant to Captain Philip Beaver, at the debarkation of the British army in Bay Robert, Martinique, Jan. 30 and 31, 1809[1]. His promotion to the rank of commander took place June 2 in the latter year. The following is Mr. James’s ac-

  1. A very interesting memoir “the Life and Services of Captain Philip Beaver,” has recently been published by Captain W. H. Smyth, R.N. K.S.F. &c.