Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp4.djvu/137

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fled to the woods,) to understand and feel what they were liable to bring upon themselves, by building batteries and acting towards us with so much useless rancour, I embarked in the boats the guns from the battery and having also taken and destroyed about one hundred and thirty stand of small arms, I detached a small division of boats up the Susquehanna to take and destroy whatever they might meet with in it, and proceeded myself with the remaining boats under Captain Lawrence, in search of a cannon foundry, which I had gained intelligence of, whilst on shore in Havre, as being situated about three or four miles to the northward, where we found it accordingly, and getting possession of it without difficulty, commenced instantly its destruction, and that of the guns and other materials we found there, to complete which occupied us during the remainder of the day, as there were several buildings and much complicated heavy machinery attached to it. It was known by the names of the Cecil or Principio Foundry, and was one of the most valuable works of the kind in America; the destruction of it, therefore, at this moment, will, I trust, prove of much national importance.

“In the margin I have stated the ordnance taken and disabled by our small division this day[1], during the whole of which we have been on shore in the centre of the enemy’s country, and on his high road between Baltimore and Philadelphia. The boats which I sent up the Susquehanna, returned after destroying five vessels in it, and a large store of flour; when, every thing being completed to my utmost wishes, the whole division re-embarked and returned to the ships, where we arrived at ten o’clock, after being twenty-two hours in constant exertion, without nourishment of any kind; and I have much pleasure in being able to add, that, excepting Lieutenant Westphal’s wound, we have not suffered any casualty whatever.

“The judicious dispositions made by Captain Lawrence, of the Fantome, during the preceding night, and the able manner in which he conducted the attack of Havre in the morning, added to the gallantry, zeal, and attention shewn by him during this whole day, most justly entitle him to my highest encomiums and acknowledgments, and will, I trust, ensure to him your approbation; and I have the pleasure to add, that he speaks in the most favourable manner of the good conduct of all the officers and men employed in the boats under his immediate orders, particularly of Lieutenants Alexander and Reed, of the Dragon and Fantome, who each commanded a division; of Lieutenant G. A. Westphal, whose exemplary and gallant conduct it has been necessary for me already to notice in detailing to you the operations of the day; I shall only now add, that from a thorough knowledge of his merits (he having served many years with me as first lieutenant) I always, on similar occasions, expect much from him; but this day be even outstripped those expectations, and though in considerable
  1. Total – 51 guns, and 130 stand of small arms.