Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp4.djvu/208

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severely wounded. the silence and regularity of the seamen and marines in their advance to the fort, and their bravery in the attack, are equally deserving of praise, and truly characteristic of British seamen. Enclosed is a list of the officers and midshipmen employed on shore and in the boats[1].

“The surrender of the gun-boats was so quick that our boats had not time to join in Hie attack on them, but were most actively employed afterwards in getting the prizes out, under the direction of Lieutenant Slaughter. The above vessels were stationed at Cortelazzo, for the express purpose of protecting the trade between Venice and Trieste, and were commanded by a commandant de division, Mons. Villeneuve, who is made prisoner. I have the honor to be, &c.

(Signed)W. Hoste.”

To Captain Hargood, H.M.S. Northumberland,
Senior Officer in the Adriatic.

The prizes thus taken consisted of la Surveillante and la Vedette, each mounting one long 26-pounder in the bow, one long 12 a-stern, and four swivels on the gunwale, with a complement of 36 men; four other gun-vessels, each mounting one long 24-pounder; and two trabacolos, laden with rice, cheese, &c. Five trabacolos, laden with wood and charcoal, were likewise burnt in the river.

For his distinguished conduct on this occasion. Lieutenant Phillott was rewarded with a commander’s commission, dated back to the day of the action. On the 25th Oct. 1810, he received an appointment to the Primrose of 18 guns, in which brig, after accompanying Sir Joseph Yorke, with a large body of troops to Lisbon[2], he was employed on the North Sea station upwards of two years. We subsequently find him escorting the outward bound trade to Quebec, convoying some vessels from England to Passages, and cruising for a whole winter between that port and St. Andero, under the orders of Sir George Collier.

On the 12th Mar. 1814, being then in lat. 43° 16' N. long.

  1. The officers’ names appear in the above letter. The petty officers employed were Messrs. John Windham Dalling, master’s-mate; Thomas Boardman, Joseph Gape, Charles Henry Ross, George Castle, Charles Kempthorn, William Lee Rees, Charles Bruce, Thomas Edward Hoste, Francis George Farewell, Robert Spearman, midshipmen; and Jonathan Angus, surgeon’s-assistant.
  2. See Vol. I. Part II. p. 439.