Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp4.djvu/316

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pieces and howitzer belonging to the division of the army that first effected a landing, under Brigadier-General (now Sir Ronald) Ferguson, whose movements are thus detailed by the military commander-in-chief.

“The whole shore of Lospards’ bay had been very closely inspected by the Brigadier, and, by his spirited exertions and example, our efforts to land were at length crowned with success, though a confined and intricate channel, and a tremendous surf, opposed the passage of the troops.

“The enemy had scattered a party of sharp-shooters over the contiguous heights,” (also in the brushwood near the beach) “and commanded the landing; but the casualties of this service arose principally from natural difficulties; and it is with the deepest concern I have the honor to state, that we lost one drummer and thirty-five rank and file of the 93d regiment by the oversetting of an Indiaman’s boat, notwithstanding every possible effort to rescue these unfortunate men.[1]

“The remainder of the troops could only be brought on shore on the succeeding day, when the extraordinary obstacles to all intercourse with the fleet, which nothing but the courage and perseverance of British seamen could surmount, barely enabled us to obtain the indispensible supplies of water and provisions for immediate subsistence.

“On the morning of the 8th the army, consisting of the 24th, 39th, 7lst, 72d, 83d, and 93d regiments, about four thousand strong, was formed into two brigades, with two howitzers and six light field-pieces, and moved off towards the road which leads to Cape-Town; and having ascended the summit of the Blaw-Berg, or Blue Mountains, and dislodged the enemy’s light troops, I discovered their main body, drawn up in two lines, prepared to receive us, and even in motion to anticipate our approach.

“The enemy’s force[2] apparently consisted of about five thousand men, the greater proportion of which was cavalry, and twenty-three pieces of cannon, yoked to horses, the disposition of which, and the nature of the ground occupied by the enemy’s troops, made it evident that they intended to reserve their right wing, and with their left attempt to turn our right flank; but to frustrate their design, I formed the army into two columns, the second under Brigadier General Ferguson keeping the road, whilst the first struck to the right, and took the defile of the mountains
  1. One of the principal impediments to the landing was an immense quantity of long and very thick sea-weed, extending to a considerable distance from the shore, and often rendering the boats’ oars useless.
  2. Under the personal command of General Janssens, governor of the colony.