Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp4.djvu/336

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by the fixed stars,” which treatise was afterwards published, in order to “facilitate the acquisition of a species of knowledge so highly conducive to the welfare of the naval service.”

Lieutenant Parry subsequently exchanged into the Maidstone frigate. Captain William Skipsey. His next appointment was, we believe, in June 1816, to the Niger 38, Captain Samuel Jackson, C.B.

About this latter period. Dr. Parry, senior, had a sudden attack of palsy, the effects of which were so complete and universal, as to totally annihilate his faculties. On hearing of this severe affliction, the lieutenant obtained leave to return home, where he arrived in May 1817. On the 14th Jan. 1818, he was appointed to the command of the Alexander brig, hired for the purpose of accompanying Captain John Ross in an expedition to the Arctic regions. The history of that voyage is well known to the world, and we again forbear to enter into any needless details relating to it. It is sufficient to say, that neither the public nor the government were satisfied with its issue. The result of the discussions which followed was the equipment of a new expedition, to sail in the spring of 1819, under the sole direction of Lieutenant Parry, who was consulted in the choice both of his ships and officers.

The vessels selected and fitted out for the second attempt to discover a N.W. passage, were the Hecla bomb and Griper gun-brig, the latter commanded by Lieutenant Matthew Liddon, formerly of the Maidstone and la Hogue. The other officers and gentlemen attached to the expedition were, in the Hecla, Lieutenant Frederick William Beechey; Captain Edward Sabine, of the royal artillery, astronomer; Mr. John Edwards, surgeon; Mr. William H. Hooper, purser; Messrs. Joseph Nias, William Justin Dealy, Charles Palmer, James Clark Ross, and John Bushnan, midshipmen; Mr. Alexander Fisher, assistant-surgeon; and Mr. James Halse, commander’s-clerk. Griper, Lieutenant Henry Parkyns Hoppner; Messrs. Andrew Reid, Andrew Motz Skene, and William Nelson Griffiths, midshipmen; Mr. Charles James Beverley, assistant-surgeon; and Cyrus Wakeham, clerk.