Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp4.djvu/480

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Page 11, lines 4 and 5, for must justly entitle, read most justly entitled.

____ 32, line 2 from the bottom, for several read two.

____ 52, ____ 17, after Rear-Admiral, insert Sir George.

____ 65, ____ 14, after privateer, insert a comma.

____ 73, ____ 3 from the bottom, for force, read forces.

____ 105, ____ 3, for troops, read army.

_______ , ____ , after Soult, insert 20,000 strong.

_______ , ____ 5, for their, read its.

____ 106, ____ 5 from the bottom, for gallantly, read " nobly."

_______ , ____ 17 ______________, for in the night, read on the right.

____ 203, ____ 12, for 1814, read 1813.

____ 217, lines 3, 6, and 15 of the small type, for l’Eclair, read Eclair.

____ 234, line 8, for Carmaret, read Camaret.

____ 282, ____ 17, for assure, read assure you.

____ 292, ____ 4, after 64, insert Captain James Hardy.

_______ , second line of the last paragraph, for Coldstream regiment, read second and third regiments.

____ 326, large type at the bottom,for Captain, read Lieutenant.

____ 340, line 14 from the bottom, after covered, insert “.

_______ , ____ 15, ______________, for this was, read this frame work was.

____ 349, ____ 20, of the small type,for floated to, read floated occasionally to.

____ 352, line 46, after ejaculations, insert Next day.

____ 382, ____ 10 from the bottom, dele the comma after Eldest.

____ 390, ____ 4 ______________, for the semicolon substitute a comma.

____ 424, lines 1 and 2, dele the commas after crew and appointment.