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Captain Trollope to become the assailant, when two of the opponent ships were each (one, perhaps, by 300 or 400 tons) larger than his own, contributed, no doubt, to dismay the enemy; and, coupled with the conduct of the latter in the conflict, well entitled him to the honor of knighthood, subsequently conferred upon him by his sovereign. The merchants of London also presented him with a piece of plate, of the value of 100 guineas, in testimony of the high sense which they entertained of his conduct, and of the protection which he had proved himself capable of affording to the commerce of the country.

Early in October, 1797, Captain Trollope, who, in the preceding summer, had removed into the Russell, of 74 guns, was left with a small squadron to watch the Dutch Fleet in the Texel during the absence of Admiral Duncan, who had proceeded to Yarmouth Roads to refit his ships. The enemy availed themselves of this opportunity to put to sea; but, by the vigilance of Captain Trollope, the British Commander-in-Chief was immediately apprised of their sailing, and soon encountered them[1]. This essential service rendered by our

  1. Admiral Duncan had cruised off the Texel during the whole of the preceding summer; but having occasion to put into Yarmouth Roads to refit his fleet, the Dutch Admiral de Winter availed himself of the opportunity to put to sea; which was intimated to the British commander early on the morning of the 9th Oct., by a signal from the Black Joke lugger, sent for that purpose by Captain Trollope. The fleet immediately got under weigh, and on the morning of the 11th, obtained sight of the enemy, whose force consisted of four 74-gun ships, seven 64’s, four 50’s, two 44’s, two frigates, and six smaller vessels. Admiral Duncan’s fleet, including the squadron of observation, was composed of the following ships:–
    Venerable 74 Admiral Adam Duncan,
    Captain Edward O’Brien.
    Monarch 74 Vice Admiral Richard Onslow,
    Captain William Geo. Fairfax.
    Russell 74 Henry Trollope.
    Montagu 74 John Knight.
    Triumph 74 William Essington.
    Bedford 74 Sir Thomas Byard.
    Powerful 74 Wm. O’Brien Drury.
    Agincourt 64 John Williamson.
    Ardent 64 Rich. R. Burgess.
    Belliqueux 64 John Inglis.