Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v1p2.djvu/115

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ecution of this service the Hebe led the first division into Ance la Cap, and Captain Scott, with great spirit and judgment, took a position opposite a 5-gun battery, placed on the low point of Pigeon Island, which he kept in check, and thereby enabled the troops to land without opposition.

After the surrender of St. Lucia, the Hebe was sent under the orders of Captain Wolley, of the Arethusa, to co-operate with Sir Ralph Abercromby in quelling the insurrections, which raged with great violence and animosity in the islands of St. Vincent and Grenada. The insurgents, after an obstinate resistance, laid down their arms, and surrendered by capitulation.

In the spring of 1798, Captain Scott obtained the command of the Niger frigate; and on the 11th Dec. following, whilst lying at Spithead, had the gratification of contributing by his humane exertions, to the preservation of three men belonging to the Atlas 98 who had been upset in one of her boats near the Niger. He subsequently removed into the Indefatigable, of 46 guns.

Soon after the renewal of hostilities, in 1803, our officer was appointed to la Diana[1], in which frigate he continued until the close of 1805. During the ensuing three years he commanded the Dragon, of 74 guns. His promotion to the rank of Rear -Admiral took place Aug. 12, 1812; and from that period until the conclusion of the war, we find his flag flying on board the Chatham, a third rate, in the North Sea fleet. At the commencement of 1814, he commanded the British and Russian seamen and marines landed on the island of South Beveland; and in the ensuing year the naval force stationed in the Downs. His commission as Vice-Admiral bears date Aug. 12, 1819.

The subject of this sketch married, June 4, 1799, the eldest daughter of James Pinnock, of Westbury House, co, Hants, Esq., and by that lady has had several children.

Residence.– Southampton.

  1. La Diana was afterwards named the Niobe.