Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v2p1.djvu/157

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The Africa being required for the flag of Vice-Admiral Sawyer on the Halifax station, Captain Ryves was superseded soon after his arrival in England ; since which he has been on half-pay.

Our officer married, first, Jan. 3, 1792, Catharine Elizabeth, third daughter of the late Hon. James Everard Arundel, of Ashcomb, Wilts, sister of the late Lord Arundel, and aunt of the present peer. The death of this lady was announced to Captain Ryves when at Naples; on which occasion Lord Nelson, who ever delighted in administering consolation to the afflicted mind, wrote to him as follows:

Victory, Madalena, Feb. 10, 1804.

“My dear Sir. It is with the sincerest sorrow that I am to be the messenger of such news as must distress you very much, but for the sake of your dear children you must bear up against this heavy misfortune. To attempt consolation at such a moment is I know out of the question; therefore I can only assure you of my most sincere condolence, and that I am your most faithful friend.”

(Signed)Nelson & Bronte

Captain Ryves married, second, in 1806, a daughter of R. Graham, Esq., of Chelsea Hospital, by whom he has seven children. By his former marriage he has three children living. His eldest son has recently been promoted to the rank of Commander in the Sophie sloop of war, on the East India station. Two other sons are also serving in the navy.

Agents.– Goode and Clarke.

A Companion of the most Honorable Military Order of the Bath; and a Colonel of Royal Marines.
[Post-Captain of 1798.]

This officer is the second son of John Scott, of Gala, in Selkirkshire, Esq., and descended from the ancient and most noble family of Buccleuch. He was born in 1770; first went to sea in 1782; and served as Midshipman and Master’s-Mate, in the Edgar, Vengeance, Romney, Blenheim, Diadem, Latona, Goliah, and Adamant, employed on various stations, until Feb. 19, 1791, when he was appointed a Lieutenant of the Thisbe frigate. We next find him holding the same rank in the Vengeance 74, which ship formed part of the squadron under Rear-Admiral Gardner, when that officer