Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v2p1.djvu/191

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torious 74, fitting for the North Sea station, in which ship he assisted at the capture of Flushing, in Aug. 1809[1]. By this time his health had again become so much impaired, that he was under the necessity of applying for permission to go to England; and his request being complied with by the commander-in-chief, who kindly gave him a cutter for that purpose, he resigned the command of the Victorious to his first Lieutenant, Sept. 20, and arrived in the Downs on the following day. During the last year of the war he commanded the Rivoli, a third rate, forming part of the Mediterranean fleet. He was nominated a C.B. in June 1815; and gazetted as a Deputy-Lieutenant of the Isle of Wight, Nov. 3, 1821.

Captain Hamond married, in Dec. 1806, Elizabeth, daughter of John Kimber, of Fowey, co. Cornwall, Esq.

Agent.– Sir Francis M. Ommanney, M.P.

[Post-Captain of 1798.]

This officer was made a Lieutenant in 1790; commanded the Tisiphone sloop of war, and captured the French privateers le Prospere of 14 guns and 73 men, and le Cerf Volant of 14 guns and 63 men, on the North Sea station, in 1797; and obtained the rank of Post-Captain Dec. 10, 1798. In Oct. 1800, he was appointed to the Garland of 28 guns, employed on Channel service; and in June 1801, we find him conveying Rear-Admiral Robert Montague to Jamaica, where he removed into the Topaze frigate, in which he returned to England Oct. 12, 1802. At the general election, in the same year, he was chosen to represent the shires of Orkney and Shetland.

Early in 1803, Captain Honyman obtained the command of the Leda frigate; and at the renewal of the war was stationed on the coast of France, with a small squadron under his orders, to obstruct the progress of the enemy’s flotilla from the eastward, towards Boulogne. On the 29th Sept. he attacked a division of gun-boats, and drove two on shore, where they were bilged. Whilst performing this service, a

  1. See Vol. I. p. 290; and note * at p. 135, of the present volume.