Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v2p1.djvu/314

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guns, fitting for the Mediterranean station, where he served during the remainder of the war.

On the 19th July, 1813, the marines of the Armada, and two frigates, landed and took possession of the batteries near Bordighero, a town on the coast of Italy, spiked the guns, destroyed the ammunition, and burnt all the vessels lying on the beach. In Nov. following, when forming part, of the in-shore squadron off Toulon, the Armada received a shot from one of the enemy’s fleet, which passing through the bows of her launch, lodged among the booms, without doing any farther mischief. Towards the close of the same year, she assisted in an attempt made by Sir Josias Rowley to obtain possession of Leghorn[1].

A few days after the surrender of Genoa to the British arms[2], Captain Grant was sent with the Armada, Curagoa, and twelve Sicilian gun-boats, to co-operate with a detachment of troops in the reduction of Savona; the garrison of which fortress surrendered by capitulation on the 24th April, 1814.

Our officer was nominated a C.B. in 1815, and appointed Commodore of the squadron in India, Oct. 22, 1821 . His broad pendant is flying on board the Liffey of 50 guns.

[Post-Captain of 1800.]

This officer, a son of the late Mr. Maling, of West Hennington, co. Durham, was made a Commander Dec. 24, 1798; and obtained post rank Sept. 6, 1800. During the late war, he commanded the Diana and Undaunted frigates, and Mulgrave of 74 guns; and among other vessels captured la Charlotte, a French ship privateer of 14 guns, pierced for 20, with a complement of 118 men; and the San Josephe of 14 guns and 96 men.

In 1817, a Chapel capable of containing about 500 persons, and built at Captain Maling’s expense, near Hylton Ferry, in the county of Durham, was opened for divine service by the Rector of Bishopswearmouth.

Captain Maling was appointed to the Northumberland of