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The services more particularly alluded to in the foregoing address, were the capture of a number of privateers, and the recapture of several valuable Jamaica ships. The following little affair we notice on account of its ludicrous nature:

Captain Brooking having received information that some French privateers were in the habit of sending their prizes to a river near Cape Cruz, on the Cuba shore, whither they also repaired to rendezvous and refit, he one night stretched over and took a station for commencing operations in the morning. At day-light, however, he unexpectedly found himself within gun-shot of a battery presenting rather a formidable appearance; opposite which, as soon as enabled by the seabreeze, he took his position, placing a prize with a carronade in her to flank the enemy’s work. The shallowness of the water prevented him approaching so near as he could have wished. Some time after he had opened his fire, he was surprised at seeing the Spaniards run down to the beach and pick up the shot which had fallen short; and it subsequently turned out, that until they had thus supplied themselves, it was not in their power to return his fire. Observing from the mast-head that the privateers had run a considerable distance up the river, and that a great number of people were collected in the fort, he did not consider it expedient to attempt a landing, or to throw away more ammunition; therefore, as soon as his crew had dined, took his departure for Jamaica.

The climate of the West Indies proved so injurious to Captain Brooking’s health, that he was at length compelled to quit it, and return to England, at the period we have above stated; from which time we lose sight of him until Aug. 31, 1819, the date of his superannuation as a Rear-Admiral.

Residence.– Plymouth, Devon.

[Superannuated Rear-Admiral.]

This officer was, we believe, a protégé of the late Sir Peter Parker, Bart. Admiral of the Fleet. He commanded the Fury sloop of war, and captured l’Elize, a French schooner of 10 guns, in 1795; assisted at the reduction of St. Lucia, in