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sist in their design of plunder and extermination; and, according to the intelligence we have lately received, are now collecting a numerous force to the eastward, as well as endeavouring to maintain and recruit their numbers at Cape Sierra Leone, with a view to attack us as soon as we are deprived of the aid of H.M. sloop.

“The object we have at heart is, without loss of time, to reduce the enemy to such terms and conditions of peace, as will afford us a reasonable satisfaction for the past, and entire security for the time to come.

“We expect an answer in the course of this or the following day to a proposition we have made to King Firarna, the Sovereign of the Thninauy nation, through Smart and Moribundoo, our allies, to enter into a treaty; that answer will, in u great measure, determine our future operations.

“We shall be happy at all times to receive the benefit of your counsel and advice, upon the best means of attaining the end we have in view. we have the honor to be, &c. &c. &c.

(Signed)Wm. Dawes, Governor.
(Signed)J. Gray, 1st in Council.
(Signed)Rd. Bright, 2d Ditto.
(Signed)T. Ludlam, Counsellor, pro tempore.”

To Charles Bullen, Esq. Commanding H.M. sloop Wasp.

Fort Thornton, Jan. 24, 1802.

“Sir, We enclose a copy, which we have just received, of a representation from the principal private merchants in the colony.

“When vve had the honor of addressing you in an official manner, to request that you would sail direct for England with our despatches, we did not attach that degree of credit to the advices received from different quarters, ‘that the enemy were determined to renew their attack in a very few days,’ which subsequent information has now convinced us they merited. More, than once their forces have been in motion to execute the design of plundering and destroying this colony; but they have been stopped by their leaders, who thought it advisable to postpone offensive operations till the departure of the Wasp. In addition to the above, intelligence from a respectable quarter, and of a nature highly probable in itself, has been received by the governor, announcing the accession of a very powerful and enterprising chief to the confederacy already formed against us. A detail of the grounds upon which our apprehensions are founded shall be communicated to you as soon as possible. With such strong and just impressions of the public danger upon our minds, it would be inconsistent with our duty to be silent. We intreat you therefore to remain upon this station, till circumstances have taken a more favorable turn, which we shall use our utmost exertions to effect. A compliance with this entreaty will (humanly speaking) prove the means of preserving from imminent risk, the lives of 1200 of his Majesty’s subjects, together with property to the amount of upwards of 70,000l. sterling.