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vous envoyer la médaille en or ci-jointe destinée aux officiers de tout grade, pour action d’eclat et trait de bravoure.

“En m’acquittant des ordres de Sa Majesté, je vous prie. Monsieur, d’agréer l’assurance de ma parfaite considération.

(Signed)“Le Général Baron de Bjoinstjerna.
“Chef de l’Etat Major Général de l’Armée.”

At subsequent periods, Commander Haultain received the following honorable testimonials:

Culderry House, Oct. 26th, 1827.

“My dear Sir,– I had the happiness of receiving yours of the 23d inst. this morning; and it affords me great pleasure to hear you are perfectly well. Could I be of any service to you, either in procuring employment or obtaining promotion, I would do it with much gratification to myself, and in great justice to His Majesty’s naval service.

“I have by no means forgot your valuable services while I commanded the Calliope, and was senior officer of the squadron in the German rivers, in the year 1813; and I can say with truth, that you were on all occasions most ready and willing in furthering my views for the good of His Majesty’s service. I am, my dear sir, yours very truly,

(Signed)John M‘Kerlie.”

Edinburgh 14th Nov. 1827.

“My dear Sir,– It is some time since I was favored with your letter of the 22d ult. which I should have replied to ere this, but from the circumstance of my having been absent from home, and therefore unable to procure the documents which you mention, and which could best enable me to send you such a certificate as I was, and am still, anxious to do, and which your conduct, whilst under my orders, so well merited. I lament to say, that to this moment I have been unable to procure the documents alluded to; some of my official letter books are missing or mislaid; it is possible that they may be in a trunk I have sent to London. In the mean time, I can only speak to your conduct in a general way; but I can most conscientiously state, that during the whole of your service, whilst employed in the gun-boats under my command, in the rivers Elbe and Weser, and during the time you were senior officer on that service, your conduct merited my perfect approbation; and I had occasion, in my official despatches to Admiral Young, more than once, to make mention of your name in terms of praise. And, I assure you, it would give me great pleasure to hear of your being again in active employment. I am, my dear Sir, yours very faithfully,

(Signed)Arthur Farquhar.”

Commander Haultain married, Aug. 13th, 1814, Eliza, daughter of Mr. Saward, of Thorp Hall, Prittlewell, Essex, Esq. His brother, Francis, is a captain in the royal artille-