Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/162

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For his conduct on that occasion, he was appointed a lieutenant of the same ship, on the 4th of the ensuing month. He obtained a commander’s commission in Oct. 1824.


Was made a lieutenant on the 6th Feb. 1821; and commander Oct. 11th, 1824.


Was made a lieutenant on the 22d Feb. 1811; appointed to the Ister frigate, Captain John Cramer, Oct. 8th, 1813; to the Queen Charlotte 108, bearing the flag of Sir James H. Whitshed, at Portsmouth, Feb. 8th, 1821; and promoted to the rank of commander Oct. 14th, 1824. He is now serving in the Cruiser sloop, on the West India station.


Youngest son of the late Hon. Mr. Justice Rooke, and nephew to Admiral Sir Harry Neale, Bart. G.C.B. &c. &c.

This officer served as a midshipman under Captains the Hon. Henry Duncan and John Brett Purvis, in the Glasgow and Magicienne frigates; was made a lieutenant from the latter ship into the Bacchus sloop, on the East India station, Oct. 15th, 1818 ; appointed to the Cambrian frigate. Captain Gawen William Hamilton, destined to Constantinople, July 25th, 1820; promoted to the rank of commander on the 14th Oct. 1824; and wrecked in the Jasper sloop, on the north end of St. Maura, Oct. 13th, 1828. Soon after this disaster, he was tried by a court-martial at Malta, and admonished to be more careful in future; his judges at the same time observing that the accident arose from his great zeal, in endeavouring to expedite the delivery of despatches to the governor of that island. He married, June 24th, 1830, Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel William Home.