Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/20

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George Langford, with whom he proceeded to the East Indies and China; and, Jan. 29th, 1817, to the Primrose 18, Captain George B. R. Phillott, fitting out for the Jamaica station; where he was serving when promoted to the command of the Shearwater sloop, by commission dated on the 9th July in the same year. He continued in that vessel for a period of two years and seven months; and is now (1834) employed as Inspecting Commander of the Coast Guard at Carrickfergus, where he has lately seized the Rob Roy yacht, belonging to a gentleman residing near Belfast, laden with contraband tobacco.


Was wounded while serving as midshipman on board the Colossus 74, Captain (afterwards Sir James Nicoll) Morris, at the memorable battle of Trafalgar. He passed his examination in Nov. 1809; obtained a lieutenant’s commission on the 2d Nov. 1810; and was second of the Java frigate. Captain Henry Lambert, in her long and well-fought action with the United States ship Constitution, Dec. 29th, 1812.[1] He afterwards served for four years in the Tigris frigate, Captain Robert Henderson; had the honor of steering H.R.H. the Duke of Gloucester, when on a visit to the flagship at Plymouth, in 1817; and attained his present rank on the 16th January, 1818.


On the 8th Feb. 1817; this officer forwarded to the Admiralty a memorial, of which the following are extracts:–

To the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners for executing the office of Lord High Admiral of Great Britain.

“The Memorial of Lieutenant John M‘Arthur Low, late acting commander of H.M. sloop Cameleon,

Humbly Sheweth,

“That your memorialist has been upwards of eighteen years engaged