Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/357

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giers. He was made lieutenant into the Newcastle 60, flagship of the late Sir Edward Griffith Colpoys, on the Halifax station, Feb. 5th, 1821; and advanced to his present rank on the 14th Aug. 1829. He subsequently commanded the Sparrowhawk sloop, on the West India station.


A son of the late superannuated Commander James Bullock.

This officer passed his examination, at Portsmouth, in 1811; obtained his first commission on the 22d Jan. 1812; was appointed to the Revolutionnaire frigate. Captain John C. Woolcombe, Nov. 3d, 1813; and subsequently commanded the Snap surveying vessel, on the Newfoundland station. In 1824, he accompanied Captain Lyon from England to the coast of Labrador[1]. He was advanced to his present rank on the 26th Aug. 1829; and has been borne on the books of the William and Mary yacht, at Woolwich, ever since the 30th Oct. in that year.

Commander Bullock is well known as a scientific officer in the hydrographical department of the service.


Was wounded while serving as midshipman under Captain (now the Hon. Sir John) Talbot, in the Victorious 74, at the capture of the French line-of-battle ship Rivoli, Feb. 22d, 1812[2].

This officer passed his examination in April 1815, and was made lieutenant into the Blossom 24, Captain Frederick Hickey, on the South American station, July 14th, 1818. He obtained his present rank on the 26th Aug. 1820; and was appointed inspecting commander of the coast guard, at Donaghadee, Ireland, Mar. 20th, 1832.