Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/373

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jesty’s ship Primrose was then lying there, waiting the event of the trial of a galliot (formerly the yacht of Alderman Sir William Curtis), which a pinnace under the command of Lieut. Parrey, first of the Primrose, had captured in the River Cachan, with thirty-eight slaves on board. This active officer had, on the previous day to the capture of the galliot, taken a Portuguese vessel of four guns and forty men, with two hundred and twenty-five slaves, by boarding. This vessel was formerly the Saucy Jack, American privateer. Lieut. Parrey proceeded up the River Noonaz, where he found two schooners, one French and one Spanish, quite ready for slaves. He also found there an English brig, the Lochiel, of Liverpool, and what is remarkable, without a living soul on board, the captain, mate, and all her crew having been discovered below dead. He consequently, with much praiseworthy exertions, brought her down the river, which is a dangerous one, and without a pilot, to the Primrose, which ship carried her to Sierra Leone, where her agent had allotted to the Primrose a salvage of 190l.”

Lieutenant Parrey was advanced to the rank of commander Feb. 10th, 1830.


Is, we believe, a nephew to General Viscount Combermere, G.C.B., &c. &c., formerly Sir Stapleton Cotton. He was made a lieutenant on the 1st Jan. 1821; advanced to his present rank, Feb. 12th, 1830; and appointed to the Racehorse sloop, on the West India station, Jan. 31st, 1832.


Was made a lieutenant in July, 1812; and commander on the 15th Feb. 1830.


Appears to have been a follower of the late Admiral Viscount Exmouth, under whose flag he served as midshipman on board the Caledonia and Queen Charlotte, first rates, at the blockade of Toulon and battle of Algiers. His first commission bears date Sept. 5th, 1816. He was appointed to