Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/39

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could be afforded, I lament to say, ten marines and one of the crew were drowned.

“I have great satisfaction in the favourable report which I feel it my duty to make of the officers, seamen, and marines employed on this occasion: the gallant and able conduct of Captain Rea, who commanded the marines, was very conspicuous, and he reports in the most favorable manner of Captain Owen, and Lieutenants Neame, Cock, Garden, and Hill, and of the orderly good conduct of the whole detachment. To Captain Bellamy I was much indebted for the handsome manner in which the Eclair was swept in, and the fire she kept up to cover and protect the troops and boats during their operations; the ships being prevented by the light and baffling winds from getting close enough to act. The services of the boats in landing and embarking the troops, (and being all armed with guns or carronades,) assisting with their fire, and the expedition with which the enemy’s vessels were brought out, does much credit to Lieutenant William Richardson, first of this ship, who had the direction of them, as also to Lieutenants John Molesworth and Robert Moodie, of the America, and Alexander Dobbs and Richard Hambly, of the Leviathan, who were employed in them. I cannot conclude without requesting permission to recommend to your notice Mr. John Harvey, master’s mate of this ship, who has particularly distinguished himself, both on the present and other late occasions of boat service. I have the honor to be, &c.

(Signed)Josias Rowley.”

To Vice-Admiral Sir Edward Pellew, Bart., &c. &c. &c.

In addition to the sixteen vessels captured and brought out, a settee of four guns was burnt; and another, laden with salt, so much damaged by shot, that she could not be got afloat. The cargoes of the prizes consisted, principally, of brandy, leather, salt, and wine. Exclusive of the heavy loss sustained at the onset of this dashing enterprise, four men were killed and twenty-one wounded: – total killed, drowned, and mortally wounded, sixteen; thirteen severely wounded, and seven slightly. The following order was issued by Captain Rowley previous to his detaching the boats and marines:–

“Mem. – The detachment of royal marines from the America and Leviathan are to rendezvous on board the Eclair at 2 a.m., and to land under the orders of Captain Rea at the position pointed out between the towns of Languilla and Alassia, Captain Owen with the half of his party to proceed and carry the battery to the west of Alassia, the guns of which he is to spike and otherAvise render useless, and then retreat on the original position, and Captain Rea in the mean time to proceed with