Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/391

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Was made a lieutenant into the Rochfort 80, flag-ship of Sir Graham Moore, on the Mediterranean station, Mar. 9th, 1822; and subsequently served in the Doris frigate, in South America, where he assisted in saving a French national brig and a Brazilian corvette from destruction, in 1825. He obtained his present rank on the 30th Sept. 1830.


Is the son of a London wine-merchant. He obtained the rank of lieutenant on the 1st Feb. 1815 ; and subsequently served under Captains Sir Charles T. Jones, George French, and William J. Purchas, in the Harrier, Sophie, and Esk, sloops, on the Halifax, East India, and African stations, from which latter he returned home in command of the Swinger gun-brig. On paying off that vessel, at Portsmouth, July 26th, 1826, her crew presented him with an elegant dress sword, belt, and epaulette, in token of their very great esteem. He was advanced to his present rank on the 22d Nov. 1830.


Second son of the late Vice-Admiral the Hon. Sir Henry Blackwood, Bart., K.C.B., by his third wife, the daughter of Francis Gore, Esq., of Ireland.

This officer entered the royal navy in 1821; obtained his first commission on the 8th Aug. 1828; and was advanced to his present rank Nov. 22d, 1830. He now commands the Hyacinth sloop, in the East Indies, for which station he sailed on the 7th May, 1833. His half brother. Sir Henry Martin Blackwood, Bart., is a captain in the navy.