Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/395

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tion respecting Shepheard, since our fight on the 21st October; he behaved with great courage, and has been admired by us all.

(Signed)E. Harvey.”

On the 1st Dec. 1806, Mr. Shepheard joined the Tonnant 80, Captain Thomas Brown, in which ship he served until July 16th, 1807. We next find him in the Amelia frigate. Captain the Hon. F. P. Irby, from Mar. 17th, 1808, until Mar. 9th, 1809; when he rejoined the Tonnant, and continued in her, under Captains Brown and Anthony T. Abdy, upwards of six months.

On the 28th Sept. 1809, he was again received on board the Amelia; and on the 6th April, 1813, he obtained the following testimonial from his gallant commander:–

“This is to certify, that during the time Mr. W. Shepheard served on board H.M. ship under my command, he ever conducted himself much to my satisfaction, and I consider him to be a very promising young officer: he was particularly active[1] during the action with the French frigate Aréthuse[2]; and subsequently, when the whole of the lieutenants were killed, it made his attentions the more valuable; and I was only prevented from appointing him to act as lieutenant, from his age not corresponding with the regulation on that head, and there being an officer on board, invalided for change of climate.

(Signed)F. Paul Irby, Captain.”

On the 22d May 1813, Mr. Shepheard was removed into the Rivoli 74, Captain (now Sir Graham E.) Hamond, where he continued until Oct. 5th following. On the day afterwards, he passed his examination, and from that time remained at home with his friends until promoted to the rank of lieutenant, Feb. 24th, 1815.

On the 21st Nov. 1816, Mr. Shepheard received an appointment to the Phäeton frigate, then at St. Helena, but was prevented from going out to join that ship, by an Admiralty order, stating that she was on her voyage home. His subsequent appointments were, Jan. 5th, 1818, to the Spartan frigate. Captain W. F. Wise; and April 29, 1828, to be first of the Samarang 28, Captain W. F. Martin. The following are copies of testimonials from those officers:–