Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/430

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Fort Chipeywan, after a journey of ten days and four hours – the shortest time in which the distance had been done at the same season of the year. I found Messrs. G. Keith and S. M‘Gillway in charge of the fort, who were not a little surprised to see me. As the commencement of the new year is the rejoicing season of the Canadians, when they are generally intoxicated a few days, I postponed making any demand till this time of festivity should cease; but on the same day I went over to the Hudson’s Bay Fort, and delivered Lieutenant Franklin’s letter to Mr. Simpson. If they were astonished at one side to see me, the amazement was still greater on the other; for reports were so far in advance, that we were said to have already fallen by the spears of the Exquimaux.

January 3. – I made a demand from both parties for supplies, such as ammunition, gun-flints, axes, files, clothing, tobacco, and spirits. I stated to them our extreme necessity, and that without their assistance the expedition must be arrested in its progress. The answer from the north west gentlemen was satisfactory enough; but on the Hudson’s Bay side I was told, ‘that any further assistance this season entirely depended on the arrival of supplies, expected in a few weeks hence from a distant establishment.’ I remained at Fort Chipewyan five weeks, during which time some laden sledges did arrive; but I could not obtain any addition to the few articles I had procured at first. A packet of letters for us, from England, having arrived, I made preparations for my return; but not before I had requested both companies to send, next year, from the depôts, a quantity of goods for our use, specified in lists furnished to them. The weather, during my abode at Chipewyan, was generally mild, with occasional heavy storms, the greater part of which were generally anticipated by the activity of the aurora borealis; and this I observed had been the case between Fort Providence and the Athabasca, in December and January, though not invariably so in other parts of the country. One of the partners of the north-west company related to me the following singular story:– ‘He was travelling in a canoe on the English River, and had landed near the Kettle Fall, when the coruscations of the aurora borealis were so vivid and low, that the Canadians fell on their faces, and began praying and crying, fearing they should be killed: he himself threw away his gun and knife, that they might not attract the flashes; for they were within two feet from the earth, flitting along with incredible swiftness, and moving parallel to its surface. They continued for upwards of five minutes, as near as he could judge, and made a loud rustling noise, like the waving of a flag in a strong breeze. After they had ceased, the sky became clear, with little wind.’

February 9. – Having got every thing arranged, and had a hearty breakfast (with a coup d’eau de vie, a custom amongst the traders), I took my departure, or rather attempted to do so; for on going to the gate there was a long range of women, who came to bid me farewell.