Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/474

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addenda to captains.

present at the reduction of Martinique, by the military and naval forces under Lieutenant-General Beckwith and Sir Alexander I. Cochrane, in Feb. 1809[1].

On the 1st Oct. following, Lord William exchanged into the Squirrel 24, on the Halifax station, and soon afterwards returned to England. His next and last appointment was, about June-1810, to the Macedonian 38. In April 1811, he was dismissed from H.M. service, by the sentence of a court-martial held at Lisbon, for oppressive and tyrannical conduct, in putting the master of that ship in irons. The latter officer was afterwards tried for contempt to his lordship, and not only dismissed the service, but rendered incapable of serving again as an officer[2]. On the 22d Aug. in the same year. Lord William was restored to the rank of post-captain.

(Vol. II. Part II. p. 891.)

Was nominated a Companion of the Most Honorable Military Order of the Bath in Sept. 1831; and a Knight Commander of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order in Feb. 1834. This long neglected, gallant, and patriotic officer, received the honor of knighthood on the 21st of the latter month.

(Vol. II. Part II. p. 979.)

This officer was appointed one of H.M. naval aides-de-camp on the 4th Aug. 1830; and Storekeeper of the Ordnance on the 30th Dec. following. He was presented at court, “on being granted the precedence of the son of an earl,” Feb. 21st, 1834; and has recently received the honor of knighthood, on retiring from office, and being nominated

  1. See Vol. I. Part I. p. 264.
  2. See Naval Chronicle, vol. 26, p, 349.