Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/566

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addenda to commanders.

proved; but that the latter charge was scandalous and unfounded.

“The Court, therefore, sentenced Commander Taylor to be dismissed from his Majesty’s service; but, in consideration of his long services and former meritorious conduct, did strongly recommend him to the favorable consideration of the Admiralty[1].”

This officer’s name was replaced in the Navy List in 1818, ever since which he has remained on half-pay as “The Junior Commander.” Had he been restored to his former seniority, Oct. 13th, 1807, there would now, Dec. 1834, have been only fifty-six of his brother officers between him and the senior commander.

the end.

W. Pople, Printer,
67, Chancery Lane.

  1. Naval Chronicle, xxxiii. p. 429.