Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/96

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in command of the Barbara schooner, whilst under my orders in the Baltic, in 1813, or that I would represent to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty my opinion of you as an officer.

“I am unwilling to intrude myself on their Lordships without a reasonable pretext for so doing; but I have no scruple in expressing to you, in answer to your letter, that your conduct while under my orders was that of an active, brave, and zealous officer, and that you stood high in my estimation for your conduct in the Barbara, which made an impression on my memory, though, at this moment, I do not remember the particular facts, notwithstanding they were such as gave me a pleasure when I heard of your promotion. As I had no acquaintance with you before we met in the Baltic, the favourable opinion I then formed of you, and which I have ever since retained, was entirely owing to your conduct as an officer. If you conceive that my good opinion of you can be of any service, you are welcome to make use of this letter in furtherance of your views. I remain, with esteem, your obedient and faithful servant.

(Signed)Graham Moore.”

In 1827, this officer was appointed an inspecting commander in the preventive service; and in June 1830, the officers of the Whitby coast guard district presented him with a very elegant piece of plate, “as a grateful testimony of his kind and gentlemanly conduct towards them,” whilst under his superintendence. Since Mar. 1831, he has been employed as inspecting commander of the coast guard at Newhaven. One of his brothers, Dr. Hill Morgan, is a member of the medical board at Bombay; and another, Hugh, a lieutenant in the royal artillery. Lieutenant William Moore Morgan, R.M., who fell at the battle of Algiers, while serving on board the Granicus frigate, was also similarly related to him.


Was made a lieutenant on the 15th July, 1806; promoted to his present rank in July 1821; and appointed an inspecting commander in the coast guard service. Mar. 10th, 1831. He married, in Feb. 1824, Rebecca, eldest daughter of John Evans, Esq., mayor of Saltash.