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YOKE. An approaching marriage.

YOUTH. Peace and happiness.

ZEBRA. Indicates & chequered life; be watchful.

ZEPHYRS. A very good dream.


Their Signification either in Men or Women.

These marks on the body are remarkable for guides either to the good or bad fortunes of any one.

A mole on the left side of a man, denotes danger and struggling; on a woman, sorrow and great pain in child birth.

A mole on the left cheek, foretells fruitfulness in either sex.

A mole on the upper lip, shows happiness in marriage.

A mole on the breast shows affection, loyalty, strength, and courage, which will gain honour.

A mole on the right cheek, shows the party to be too much beloved, and will come unto great fortune.

A mole on the left shoulder, sorrow and labour.

A mole on the throat, denotes the party to be a great glutton; and, by excess, will undergo great disease, and peradventure sudden death.

A mole on the right eye, shows loss of sight.

A mole on the forehead of a man or woman, denotes they shall grow rich, being beloved of their friends and neighbours.

A mole on the eyebrows of a man, denotes inconsistency; but if on a woman, it shows she will have a good husband.

A mole on the nose shows that the party loves pleasure more than anything else.

A mole on the heck shows a man to be prudent in his actions; but if on a woman, it betokens weak judgment, apt to believe the worst of her husband.