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CIVIL HISTORY, 1485-1603.


S IT/P. tBvught. Tons. $Hn . tB-ught. Tons. Taken. Taken.

24. Less Bark *1512 160 25. Less Pinnace *1545 60 26. Lesser Barbara †1512 160 27. Lesser Zabra *1522 40 28. Lion ‡1511 120 29. Lizard *1512 120 30. Mary George †1510 300 31. Mary Gloria †1517 300 32. Mary Grace ‡1522 ? 33. Mary and John †1521 ? 34. Mary Guildford *1524 160 35. Mary Imperial *1515 120 36. Mary James (I.) †1509 300

37. Mary James (II.). ‡1545 120 38. Mary Odierne 1545 70 39. Mary Rose *1509 500 40. Mary Thomas ‡1545 100 41. Mawdlyn of Deptford *1522 120 42. Minion *1523 180 43. Primrose *1523 160 44. Rose Galley *1512 ? 45. Roo *1545 80 46. Sovereign (rebuilt) *1509 600 47. Swallow *1512 80 48. Sweepstake *1523 65

2. Called also L'Artique. Sold 1547. 3. "Bullen," i.e. Boulogne. 5. Also called Black Bark, Christopher, and Mark Florentine. 6. Also called Christ of Lynn. She was captured in 1515. 9. Perhaps called also Mary Lorette. 10. Taken from the French. 12. Formerly Maudlin.

13. Formerly Salvator, of Lübeck. Wrecked in 1514. 15. Zabra means pinnace. 18. Taken from Barton. 19. Formerly John Hopton. 22. Genoese built. 27. See 15. 28. Taken from Barton.

30. Probably ex Mary Howard. 35. Rebuilt 1523. 36. Possibly ex James, of Hull. 39. Rebuilt 1536. Overset 1545. 42. Rebuilt of 300 tons, about 1536. Given to Sir T Seymour. 45 Taken by the French, 1547. 47. Rebuilt 1524.

LIST OF THE ROYAL NAVY ON JANUARY 5TH, 1548 (1 EID. VI.) in Archæologia V., 218 (WITH DATES SUPPLIED FOR THE MOST PART FROM Oppenheim, 'Admin of Roy. Navy').

  • Built.

SHIP. f Bought. Tons. Men. Guns. I


o. Henry Grace à Dieu (rebuilt) * 1540 1000 ] 19 [ 103 s Peter (rebuilt) ...... * 1536 600 12 [ 78 s Matthew ....... ' 1539 600 300 10 [ 121 s Jesus ........ ' 1544 700 300 8 [ 66 s Pauncy (Pansy) ..... * 1544 450 300 13 69 s Great Bark ...... ' 1539 500 300 12 [ 85 s Less Bark% ...... 1339 400 250 11 s Murryan" . ...... 1545 500 300 10 I 53 s Struce of Dawske% .... '1' 1544 450 250 0 3.1 s Christopher a . '1' 1546 400 246 2 51 s Trinity Henry ...... * 1519 250 220 1 63 s Sweepstake ....... * 1539 300 230 6 78 s Mary Willoughby * 1536 140 160 0 [ 23

Anne Gallant ..... * 1545 450 250 16 I 46 
Salamander ...... : 1544 300 �')0 9 ] 40 
Hart ........ * 1546 300 2_a) 4 [ 52 
Antelope ....... * 1546 300 200 4 [ 40 
Swallow ....... * 1544 2- 100 8 [ 45 
Unicorn r ....... ; 1544 240 140 6 [ 30 

1 The armament certainly varied at different times.

2 At Woolwich.

3 At Portsmouth.

4 Galleys at Portsmouth.

a Orderd to be rebuilt, 1551.

b Sold, 1551.

c Dawske —Danzig. Sold. 1551.

d Ordered for sale, 1551, but no sold till 1556.

e Taken by the Scots; retsken, 1542; rebuilt, 1��1.

f Ordered for sale, 1551; sold, 1555.