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Henry VII. — The Earl of Oxford, Lord Admiral — Simnel's invasion — Woodville's expedition — Sir Andrew Wood — War with France — Expedition against Ravenstein — Siege of Boulogne — Peace with France — Warbeck in Ireland and in Scotland — His invasion of England — Philip of Austria in England — Henry VII. — Co-operation with Spain against the Moors, and with Burgundy against Gelderland — Sir Andrew Barton — The Lord Admiral's whistle — Lord Edward Howard, Lord Admiral — Action with the French off Brest — A French account of it — Portzmoguer — Blockade of Brest — Proceedings of Echyngham — Actions near Brest — Death of the Lord Admiral — Lord Thomas Howard, Lord Admiral — Prégent's raids — Howard's revenge — The Field of the Cloth of Gold — Alliance with the Emperor — Surrey, admiral of the combined fleet — He raids the French coasts — A Scots squadron defeated — Peace with France — Richmond, Lord Admiral — Fitz William, Lord Admiral — Bedford, Lord Admiral — Lisle, Lord Admiral — War with France and Scotland — Expedition to the Forth — Boulogne blockaded — Seymour's cruise — "Capitaine Polain" — D'Annebaut — Attack on Portsmouth — Action at Spithead — Loss of the Mary Rose — Indecisive action in the Channel — Lisle burns Tréport — Plague in the fleet — Naval skirmishes — Edward VI. — Lord Seymour of Sudely, Lord Admiral — French expeditions to Scotland — Capture of the Lion — An English fleet in the Forth — Villegagnon — Seymour defeated — Unofficial war with France — Open hostilities — Wynter in the Channel Islands — Clinton, Lord Admiral — Peace with France — Piracies in the Narrow Seas — Exploit of the Falcon — The first voyage to Guinea — Mary I. — Lord Howard of Effingham, Lord Admiral — Wynter and Throgmorton — Philip comes to England — He is obliged to salute the flag — Clinton, Lord Admiral — Loss of Calais — Clere defeated in Orkney — The fleet assists Count Egmont — Elizabeth — Peace with France — Renewal of the war — Peace with Scotland — Wynter in the Forth — Evacuation of Scotland by the French — The Queen and the continental Protestants — Le Hâvre handed over to Elizabeth — Francis Clarke — War with France — Evacuation of Le Hâvre — Peace with France — Detention of treasure — Spanish irritation — Elizabeth assists La Rochelle — Gabriel de Montgomeri — Privateering — Holstock and the pirates — Significance of the struggle with Spain — Spanish expedition to Munster — Lord Howard of Effingham, Lord Admiral — Elizabeth assists the Low Countries — The case of the Primrose — The case of the Turkey ships — War with Spain — The first prize of the war — Leicester goes to Flushing — Cumberland's first voyage — Alliance with Scotland — Drake at Cadiz — Capture of the San Felipe — The Spanish Armada — Assistance given to Don Antonio of Portugal — Drake and Norreys on the coast of Portugal — Michelson to Mexico — Hawkyn's and Frobiser's expedition to Spain — Action between merchant ships and Spanish galleys — Cumberland's fourth expedition — Lord Thomas Howard to the Azores — Loss of the Revenge — Fight off Cape Corrientes — Exploit of the Centurion — Expedition of Frobiser and Burgh —