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Slurmy, Admiral Sir Joh], "ll; and n. , 'l'al,,i,ic,,. the Jlinfim's i.e,q)le left at, ), 225, , $1)anih cruelt t,) them, I;20, - I:,)l,ert, of lh'ist(,I, ;()1; Ta]nworth, A(Imiral Sir Nicholas, T, Slygey, ,]ohn, 21iD Tan(.rol, l:ichard I. ,lunrrels with, 168

lt'O, the bridge at, 514, 515 Tal,estries tbrmerly in the Ilouse of Lord:.

Suard, Sir Illchard, 1 5;19 n. Dulsi,ly, n:tval, 222 Tapiawari, 049, 650 Nnbtlc, galley, 421. 422 Tarits, 144 "Staler%" {ittll' o1 325, ;1:;1 '15u'ste, Sir Aimcry de, Suetonitts Panlinus. 7, 22 ' T:mnton, W:u'beck at, 447 Suflblk raided by the Sr-ts, 23;; Tavcrner of 11ull trades to Italy, .l-hn,

Edmund & la Pole, Duke oI 447 Tavy, rai,1 by the sons of 11anhl in the, 
Admiral R.hert Uflka'd, Earl of: st.e Taxes consent of Parliament, 154 

I'flbrd, Admiral Sir 11.bcrt Tay, lhc, 2;;I, 232

A,lmiral William, fimrth Earl .1; 2s{;, Tt, lescope, inventi,m of the, 403 
81, :$4 Tt,llo, lon Ilodrio, 574, 577

Suleny, 11ascuil de, 118 Tenchel,rai, B:tttle ol; ,'mt, 421, .123, 425, 580, 5S, 5S Tendtell, ,.shim', I;27 Tenth granted lia' the navy, a, Suntlaa'l , 1-t0 vohmteed I,y the spiritual Lords, a, N'upcrlttfft'tt, 42:: Surgi6res, Sir James de, 2a3 Terceira, Battle ol; 5:; gallant action oil Surrey, Th,mms, Earl -f: see lhaard, I.or, I 47S; [,,11s{}flll fitils tt, tx, ach. 5;;S: Thomas. Spanish treasure ships make fl.', 522, 52;; Survey -f shipl,ing , '"- 2:;5 Ttq'lnS, anti, luity of some naval, 144 Surveying td' ships, 21; Tt. rna.te. I }al;. at, I;:;4 Surveyors of' ships, 4;:7 n. Tcwkesbury, Margaret of Aott delk. aled al,

of victuals. 438 n. 

,'nsa, 4S4, 51,;, ti, ;5; Thames, the, blocked, 2dl;: Danes in the. -- l',trndl, 593 37; 11eet assembled in the, 2;; Sussex, l'rdgenl raids, 457 in lhe, 52; the French in the,

- 1 h.m'y, Enrl o1 5;;I Thanet garrisoned, 2s9; raided, 2  

Sutton, 13 Th/.n-ui;nel, A,Imiral Jean de, 45o ,qwulbnc, 2;2, 41L 420, 423, 425, 477, d97, Thco, losius, :: riot.ties of, 59 570, 57;, 5SS, 5S, ;17, ;41, t;45 Thorroes, Marshal de, 473 ,qtcutt, ;;;, ;LI7 512 ;21, Thirkill Imnceht, Swearing, 4: { 7'h,.,tas, 1-t4, 2511, 21;D, 270, Swedes delbat Canute, 4; Ib'a'uclmntp, ' 'q Swt,el% 405 l,,mt,,,'t,t,trc, of l,ymc, 5 ,b'w..pst,tk,., O4, 405, 414, 411, 420, 44; n. ' Ih, mt,'edttre, '" weyn Estrithst,n, 48 Druke, 577 n., 59o , 17, 42, 43, 44, 45 Thomas, lilttnth L-rd lh'ey de Wilton 51 soll of{ ;odwin, 50, 51 and n. Sweyn's attempt against William I., $7 .h,hn, N,t'lsttrr, 423, -125, 4DI n., 509, 520, 52, ,d' Lancasler, Duke ,,I l'laren,'c, 5;17, 5;I, 5 n., 58, 5D Admiral l'rince, ;;2, ;I/D, ;o, 3; hi Swinlntrne, Sir Thomas, ;I;:4 dillicuhies, Swyn, the, 217 n. Friar, of lhc Temple, ID2 Sydcnham, lhtml,hrey , 5O Stephen, Sydney, Sir Willianb 451 and n. d5:L 455, Th,u'et-n. Le,,nar, I, 115 n. -15; Th-rlinn and Karl of t'ots I; 70 Thorne, lb'., TAItI.I.: ILXY, Lancaster at, ;5 'l'hornyng, John, Tat.ks, ;140 Thorwahl, voyage -1 Ticn'a ,lel Fuego, Drake at, ;3o Thou:n's, lhll ol 2S4 Taus, I h';tke at the mouth of the, 4 Throckmorton, g'al,tain , 52o 'l':dbot Sir 11ichard, 28;, 249 Thrognu,'ton, Sir Nicholas, 471 and n. 'l;tlbot d2;l "Tinde," h'ish in, T:tibot, lHlbert, Lord, 2tj; Thm'cytel the T:tll, 44, 45

titth Lord, ; Thurkel: src Thm'cytel. 

- of h'chcnchl, Sir (illbert, 372 Thyhle, the voyager, ;o7, ;0 'l':unar, I:mes in the, 43 Tiher, Richard 1. in the,