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Arles couucil, 24. 25.

Arnbjörg, wife of Sandulf. 272.

Art, King, where buried, 212.

Arthur, King, his existence doubted by some, 114, 182; round table, 62; contemporary history null, 114; his round table, 12S (see Penrith); probable history of Arthur, 133; his defensive war against invaders, 134; his supposed Scottish career, 134; ill-founded, 135; localities of his twelve battles, 135 et seq.; of his last battle, 86-7; views of the author, 152; fables respecting, likened to those about Alexander, 133; Arthur's pike at Shap, 130; Arthur's Quoit, 170. See Baden Mound, Bas Lowe, Caerleon, Caledonian Forest, Gain, Salkeld, Stanton Drew, Woodcastle Lyn.

Arrichinaga dolmen, 388.

Arroyolos dolmen, 377; described by Borrow, 3S9.

Aryans a progressive race, 18, 19; occupation of Greece, 39; when they crossed Indus, 445; penetrate into North America, by what route, 516; Aryan, non-Aryan, equivalents of what, 506.

Ascheurade, singular arrangement of circles, 317.

Ashdown, Sarsen stones at, 121-3; drawing of, 122; contrasted with Carnac, ib.; Druidical, 123; or monument of battle between Saxons and Danes, ib.

Asia Minor, dolmens not yet found in, 445.

Asoka, King, monument of, 47; introduction of stone monuments in India, 48, 455; his rock-engraved edict, 498; convocation, 501.

Aspatria. 155; compared to Herrestrup, 304. See Circles.

Asser cited as to battle between Saxons and Danes, 123.

Astarte, see Melkart.

Asturias, dolmens in, 378.

Atridæ, tombs of, 32; Atreus, 33.

Aubrey, 3; his account of Hakpen Hill, 76; cited, 104.

Auisle, King, 201.

Augustine, St., cession of temple at Canterbury to, 22-3.

Augustus, tomb of, 40; no coins of, found in Britain, 144.

Aurelius, see Ambrosius.

Axevalla, singular dolmen at, 312-3; find there, 312.

Aztecs, buildings of, 515.

Avebury, 1, 3, 6, 7, 61 ; age of, 17; pretended serpent worship, 4; represented, 62; vallum, ditch and circle, 62, 63; Sarsens, 62; Kennet avenue, 63; no curved avenues, 64; double circle or oval, 64; who interred there, 86; author's opinion, 86, 89; holes, 343; Beckhampton avenue, 64, 98; Silbury hill, 62; Waden hill, 62; object of structure, 65; theory of Druidical temples, 66; disputed, 66 et seq.; Avebury a burying-place, 72; charter of Athelstan as to, 73; stone row, 73; plan of, 81; sepulchral or battle-field, 116; attached to circles, 29, 51; with or without circles or dolmens, 29, 53; example at St. Helier, Jersey, 51; chamber there found buried, 54; at Merivale Bridge, on Dartmoor, ib.; why erected, ib.; what they represent, 56.

Avening, holes in chamber at, 357.

Avenue. See Alignments, Avebury, Aylesford.

Averni Celts mentioned by Livy, 327.

Aylesford, 110 et seq. Kit's Cotty House, what, 116; description of, 110; why erected, 119; erroneous view of Mr. Wright as to Belgian burials there, 119; Tollington, stones at, purpose of, 119; obelisks or coffin stones, 117; in memory of what, 119; circles of Addington abbey, ib.; Horstead, tumulus at, 120; explored by Colonel Fisher, ib.; absence of valuables or other articles in tombs there, accounted for, ib.; "Countless stones," 117; resembles Oroust, 305; drawing of, 117; a supposed avenue near, 117-8; other groups at Addington and near Kit's Cotty House, 118; Aylesford the stage of a battle between Vortigern and Saxons, 119; Bede's statement of locality of battle not conclusive, 121.

Baba, images of, buried, 449.

Babylon, age of its palaces, 1.

Bactrian Greeks, influence of, upon Indian architecture, 456, 508.

Badon Hill, Arthur's battle there, 138. See Battle.

Bähr, professor, his book of Graves, 318.

Bahmany dynasty in India, 485.

Baker, Mr., his account of Aryan interments, 479.

Baille clough togal dolmen, 229.

Balk, Saracenic arches, 457.

Ballina, see Maols.

Ballo dolmen, 321.

Ballysadare, cairn at. 179.

Balor of the Evil Eye, 187.

Balquhain circle, 263.

Bang, importance of monastery at, 50.

Bangkok, Buddhist monument at, 413.

Banesdown battle, 87.

Barbarism of early Irish, 235.

Barbato, monuments in, 415.

Barbury Castle, siege of, 88.

Bards, 19; testify to Druids, 6.

Barrows, 11; of Roman period, 36 (see Bartlow Hills); British, 65; Silbury, ib.; conical, 83; their number and position, 102; age of, 104; Derbyshire, 138; Yorkshire, ib.; on Boyne,