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affected by conquest by and withdrawal of Romans, 394.

Britons, 20, 21, 37; peace with Saxons, when, 89.

Britlauy, monuments in, 6. See Carnac.

Broad-pated race, 306.

Broclis, Scotch, resemble Nurhags, 431 note.

Brodick Bay circles, 262.

Brogar, King of, in Orkneys, 241; failure of search there, 243; how to proceed, ib.; tumuli. 252-3; compared to Stanton Drew circles, 256.

Bronze age, Stonehenge belongs to, 102; as also tumuli in South of France, 327.

Brouillet, M., his work on Poitou, 329.

Brown, Mr., his account of Hydahs, 18.

Bruges, capital of Celts, temp. Bellovesi, 327.

Brugh, burial-place of Kings of Tura, 190, 199, 212.

Brugh na Boinne, burials at, 191 et seq.

Brunswick dolmens. 301.

Bryce, Dr., his observations in Arran, 265.

Buckingham, Duke of, directs diggings at Stonehenge, 104.

Buddha, Dagobas or Stupas of, 41.

Buddhagosa, no written books before, 500.

Buddhism, 458; in India, 458 et seq.; in the West, 499 et seq.; in Christianity, 499; monastic institutions, ib.; monasticism opposed to Egyptian institutions and Arab or Semitic feeling, 500; relation of Essenes to Buddhism, ib.; monasticism in India apparent from monuments and inscriptions, 501; three convocations: cells: Viharas, Chaityas, 501; sculptures: Sanchi: Ascetics: Amravati shaven priests: date of similar institutions in West, ib.; peculiarities of, separation of clergy from laity, 501; canonization, relic worship, 503; date, silence of the Fathers, eloquence of architecture, 506; Buddhism Turanian, ib.; nature of the faith, ib.; Turanians in Europe in Middle Ages, 507; what with respect to stone monuments the West borrowed from the East, 507; of what Buddhism was the reform, 504.

Buddhist architecture, 40-2.

Buddhist Topes 46; rails, 48, 492; Lâts or Stambas, 57; convocations, 501.

Burials, usages of, in the Steppes, 449.

Burmah, date of temples at, 1; dagobas, 41.

Burmah and Siam, architecture of wood, 456.

Burn Moor. 159. See Circles.

Burton, Right Hon. W., describes cairn Knock na Kea, 184.

Butte de Cæsar, find there, 339.

Buxton, rude monuments near. See Derbyshire.

Cabeiri, images of, 425.

Caboul valley. 452.

Cæsar mentions Druids, but not their temples, 20; stood, perhaps, at Carnac, ib.; inference from his and Pliny's silence, 373.

Caerleon, or Chester, Arthur's ninth battle at, 137.

Cairns at Rath Cruachan, 200; Lough Crew, 213; Glen Columbkille, 226; Freyrsö, 292; Norway, 302; the distribution of dolmens in Europe, 301-2; dolmens belong to a sea-faring race, 302; four cairns enclosed in squares, 402; compared to Aschenrade, 403; Jewurgi, 471 2; probably battle-field, 472; huge horned cairn Caithness, 528, 530; of "one Man," find there, 178-9.

Caldwell, Mrs. find in possession of, 210.

Caledonians like Germans, 162; Caledonian Forest, place of Arthur's battle, 137.

Callernish, age of, 52.

Calliagh Birra's House, 230.

Calvaries in Brittany, 59.

Cambodia, mounments of, not ancient, 1; style of buildings, 458.

Camden, his remark as to place of interments at Stonehenge, 105; as to Roll-right and Rollo in England, 126; as to Long Meg, 127; as to ruins at Shap, 129; and Penrith, 132.

Canister alignment, 529.

Cangas de Onis, 387.

Cannibalism of early Irish, 235.

Canonization in the East, 503.

Canterbury, Roman Cathedral at, 22.

Canute forbids adoration of stones, 25.

Caons, or Giants' circles, 453.

Cape St. Matthieu, 59.

Carder Lowe, barrow opened at, 1.

Carl Sverkersson slays Danish prince, 291.

Carmaret, alignment at, 367.

Carnac, 1; Rev. Bathurst Deane's plan of, 6; Cæsar perhaps saw from it battle with Veneti, 20; described, 349; plan, 352.

Carnutes, Druids' chief seat amongst, 5.

Carrowmore, 181; field of battle, 187, 198, 223.

Carte, Mr., as to field of battle at Baydon hill, 87.

Carthaginians in Spain, 379; not building or burying race, 394.

Cartheilhac, M., his paper on megalithic monuments, 335.

Cas Tor avenue, 56.

Castern, find at, 13.

Castille, if dolmens in, 378.

Castle Wellan dolmen, 45.

Cat stones, 57, 146. See Derbyshire battle stones.

Catalonia, dolmens in, 378.