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Keyna, traditions respecting, 151.

Keysler, citations from, 24, 25; compares Drenthe to Stonehenge. 319.

Khassia Hills, rude-stone monuments, 462 et seq.; tribes practise cremation, 463; funereal usages, 463; iron manufacture, 482.

Khatoura, tomb of Isidorus at, 100.

Khonds (see Gonds), usages of, resemblance to Druids, 460; Major Macpherson's remarks respecting their worship, 461; difficulty of putting an end to their human sacrifices, ib.

King Stone, 146. See Stanton Drew.

Kings of Denmark, tombs of, 15.

Kinsey, his 'Portugal Illustrated,' 377.

Kistvaens, or cists, how composed, 43; contents of, ib.; when covered, 43-4; passages into, 43; sculpture in, ib.; New Grange, ib.; Gavr Innis, ib.; Maes-Howe, ib.; Arbor Low, 140; Gib Hill, 141; Plas Newydd, 166

Kit's Cotty House, 116; whether ever covered, 44.

Kivik grave, headstone of, 314; figures upon, ib.; date assigned to, ib.; resembles one in France, ib.

Klein-Raden, 301. See Cotty House.

Knock na Rea, 184; cairn at, 280. See Queen Misgan Meave.

Knockeen, dolmen at, 229.

Knowth, cairn of, 192, 200; identified by Petrie with cave of Cnodhba, 201; searched by Danes, ib.

Knut, the great battle between and Olof, 291.

Kongsbacka battle-field, 279.

Königsberg, dolmens near, 301.

Konitz, dolmen at, 301.

Krukenho, allée couverte at, 342; dolmen compared with Dol ar Marchant, 36.

Kubber Roumeia, tomb of Mauritanian kings, 423-4.

Kurgans or mounds in the Steppes, 448.

Kutb u Deen, his mosque at Delhi, 457.

Kutub iron pillar, 35, 481.

Laity, see Clergy and Laity.

Landevenec founded by Grallon, 374.

Landver, son of Thufin, where buried, 528.

Largs, battle of, 58; stone to mark, 58.

Larking, Rev. Mr., his visit to Aylesford, 118.

Latheronwheel, 530 et seq.

Lean Low mound, 139. See Derbyshire.

Lecan, book of, cited, 233.

Lech meaning of word, 44.

Ledwich, Dr., his description of New Grange, 143.

Lefroy, General, his diggings at Greenmount, 231.

Leoghaine, 212-3.

Leslie, Col. Forbes, 264; his paper upon Aberdeenshire circles, 263; Belgian group described by, 467.

Lethra, tomb at, of Harold, 282, 289.

Leure, aligmnent at, 367.

Lia Fail, 382, 439. See Stone of Destiny.

Liberius, Consul, defeat of, 374.

Liegnitz, dolmen at, 301.

Lifeacl air Cairbre, his grave, 213.

see Linuis; meaning of word, 136; perhaps Lake country, 136.

Linuis, where, 136; locality of a battle of Arthur, different opinions respecting locality, 136.

Liotr, or Landver, sepulchre, 254.

Listoghil cairn, 181; mentioned by Petrie, ib.; find there, 182.

Llwyd, Mr.. 201.

Lockmagen, 129. See Wood Castle.

Locmariaker, allée couverte at, 341; Dariorigum, capital of Venetes, 349; long barrow, Mané Lud 360; Mané er H'roëk, 360; dolmen and sculpture, 360-1; Dol ar Marchant, 361; alléecouverte near, 364; date, 370.

Loire, grottes des fées along, 341.

Loncarty, defeat of Danes at, 270.

Long Stow Cove, 64.

Long-headed race, superior antiquity of, 36.

Longroads, barrow at, 11.

Lot, department of, 334.

Lothbrok Ragnar, victories of, 290; sepulchre of, 298; battle fought by, 314.

Lough Crew, 199, 213; excavations, 213; cairn T, 214; Hag's Chair, 215; two stones, 216; cairn L, 217; cairn H, ib.; find there, 218; cairn D, 219; other monuments at, ib.

Lubbock, Sir John, analysis by, of contents of numerous tumuli, 11; Park Cwn tumulus described by, 164.

Lucan cited as to Nasomenes, 407.

Lug, grandson of Balor, 187.

Lukis, Rev. Mr., explores Carnac, 350, 356-7.

Lumberdale House, cist at Gib Hill removed to, 141.

Lüneburg, dolmen near, with enclosures, 308.

Luxembourg, Grand Duchy, dolmens in, 301, 323; to whom referred, 323.

Lyons, battle near, 374.

Mackenzie, Col., his map cited, 474; his drawings of Viraculls and Masteeculls, 483.

Macpherson, Major Charteris, his work, memorials of service in India cited, 460.

Madracen, 423; of same type as Maltese examples, 424.

Madsen, his 'Antiquités prehistoriques du Danemark,' 188; gives examples of buried dolmen, 310.

Maenec, Le, 350 et seq.

Maes-Howe tumulus, 244; opened, ib.; early spoliation of, ib.; runes descriptive