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ford, 117, 119; at Rollright, 124; at Dol ar Marchant, 363.

Oberhartz, no dolmens in, 301.

Oberyssel, dolmen in, 301.

O'Brian, wild speculations of, 175.

Observatories in India, 459.

Ochaim, Niall's burying-place, 212.

O'Curry, his account of battle cited, 188; his view as to date of Ogham writing, 196.

Oden's Howe, exploration of, 526; find, ib.

O'Donovan, his account of Moytura, 176; his confession of uncertainty of Irish chronology, 190; remarks as to dolmen of four Maols, 233.

Og, king of Bashan, 442.

Oghams, 29; on menhirs, 58; date of introduction, 196; little used, and for what, ib.; on Newton Stone, 271.

Ohio, sacred enclosures in, 511; district of, how first peopled, 516.

Oise, holed dolmen at, 343.

Olaus, see Wormius, Magnus.

Old Testament, stones mentioned in, 57.

Oldenburg, dolmens in, 301.

Olfers, Dr., tomb of Alyattes examined by, 32.

Olof the Holy, 241.

Ophite theory, 4, 7.

Oppeln, dolmen near, 301.

Orchomenos sepulchre explored by Dodwell, 33; lined with bronze, 34; inference from, as to civilization, 39.

Orkneys (see Maes-Howe, Scotland, Stennis); no timber in, 298.

Orkbow, treasure there, 252.

Oroust, dolmen at, 305-6; resembles Countless Stones, 305; in enclosure, 310.

Osnabrück, dolmen in, 301.

Ougein, observatories in, 7; commercial capital of Asoka, 459.

Ousely, Sir W., cited as to Eastern circles, 453.

Oval dolmens, see Dolmens.

Ozene, or Ougein, which see.

Pagan temples, similarity of, to Christian, 22-3.

Palestine and the East, dolmens, 438; of stones mentioned in Scripture but one of megalithic class, 438-40; monolith, 440; dolmens between Es Salt and Nablous, 441; and Kafr-er-Wâl, ib.; whether dolmens outside of Gilead, 442; of what tribe known examples are, ib.; age of, 443; Peshawur, ib.; circular-domed tombs at Sinai, and stone circles, ib.; find, 444; Nukb Hawy ring, ib.; resemblance to Bazinas and Chouchas, ib.; Arabia, near Eyoor, rude-stone monuments mentioned by Palgrave, resembling those of the West and at Tripoli, 445; interest attaching to Arabian examples, ib.; Asia Minor, unsolved problems respecting, 446; Kertch, chambered tumuli, and finds, 447; dolmens of shaped stones, holed in Circassia, Crimea, and on shore of Baltic, 447.

Palgrave, Mr. Giffard, rude-stone monuments seen by him in Arabia, 444.

Pallas cited, 449.

Pancras, St., temple at Canterbury dedicated to, 22.

Pandus, temples popularly assigned to, 494.

Pape and Peti, early inhabitants of Orkneys, 248.

Parallel lines or avenues, 50. See Avenues.

Park Own tumulus, 164; meant to be visible, 164; find at, ib.

Parkhouse circle, 263.

Pataliputta, see Patna.

Patan, Emperors, domes of, 40.

Patna, convocation at, 501.

Pausanias, tomb of Atridæ described by, 32, 33.

Pegges Barrow, 11.

Pelasgi and Tyrrheni, in contact with only stone-hewing races, 393.

'Pelasgic Remains,' work by Dadwell, 33; style superseded by Doric in Greece, 393.

Pembroke, Philip, Earl of, his testimony as to Stonehenge, 104.

Pen, prefix, meaning of, 64.

Pennant cited as to Mayborough, 128-9.

Penrith, Arthur's Round Table at, 82; Long Meg and her Daughters, 126 et seq.; mentioned by Camden, 127; Mayborough, ib.; monolith, 128; King Arthur's Round Table, ib.; plan of, ib.; history of monuments, 131; Shap alignment not Druidical, ib.; nor sepulchral, ib.; at least not the cemetery of Shap, ib.; marks battlefield, 132; victory over Saxons, perhaps, ib.; objections, 132-3; monuments near, mark victories of Arthur, 132.

Pentre Ifan dolmen, 168.

'Periplus,' the, cited, 459.

Perthes, M. Boucbe de, "find" by, on the Somme, 16.

Peru, carved stone monuments in, 518; resemble Pelasgic and Tyrrhenian, ib.

Peshawur dolmen, 443; circle, 452; and at Deb Ayeh, 453; hewn-stone circles ascribed to Caons or giants, 453; if other dolmens in the East? 454.

Peti or Picts, 248-9. See Pape.

Petrie, Dr., his useful but interrupted services in Ireland, 175; observations of, as to cairn Listoghil, 181; Moytura, 181 et seq.; Tara, 193; introduction of writing into Ireland, 196; Oghams, ib.; Knowth, 201; cited as to Talten, 219; style of Irish monuments, 238; his excavations in the Orkneys, 249; his suggestion as to Moytura, 280.