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of Archæology in Scotland, 239; paper on ortholithic remains in Africa, 395-7.

Ribroit, Arthur's tenth battle there, 137.

Rickman, his perception of progress and sequence in monuments, 113; value of his process in fixing dates, 114.

Ring Sigurd, 280; saga as to, 282.

Ringham Low, group, 139. See Derbyshire.

Rocking stones, 347.

Rodmarton, chambered tumulus, 166; post-Roman, 289; holes in entrance, resembles Kerlescant, 357.

Roeskilde, dolmen in square, 307.

Rolley Lowe, 12.

Rollo in England, 126.

Rollright, circle at, 124; obeliscal stone, ib.; dolmen, ib.; examined by R. Sheldon, 125; unimportance of monuments there, ib.; whether sepulchral, ib.; assigned by Camden to Rollo, 126.

Roman coins, find of, in Ireland, 166. See Coins, Finds.

Roman pottery found at Stonehenge, 105; inference from, 106. See Finds.

Roman road at Silbury Hill, 81; argument from its state, 82; and of that at Hakpen Hill, 83.

Romans, Stonehenge assigned to, by Inigo Jones, 3; in England, 96; effect of Roman art upon British civilization, ib.; and architecture, 394; in Africa, 414; pressure of, upon Eturia, 393.

Ronalds, Mr., his engraving of Carnac, 350.

Rooke, Mr., his account of Stanton Moor, 146; snaffle-bit found by, 156.

Rose Hill tumulus, 155. See Circles, Small, 155.

Ros-na-righ, who buried there, 212.

Ross County, North America, sacred enclosures in, 811.

Rothiemay circle, 263.

Round tower, see Tower.

Roy's, General, 'Military Antiquities of Romans' cited as to circle at Wood Castle, 129.

Rude-stone monuments erected even where letter inscriptions and carving practised, 273; none in the valleys of Scheldt and Rhine, 323; sometimes comparatively modern, 406; result sometimes of fashion, 408; Aryans and pure Dravidians or Tamulians not builders of, in India, 447-8.

Rudeness of monument, what it proves, 100.

Rugen, island of, dolmens in, 301.

Runes on menhirs, 29; Maes-Howe, 246-8, 251; Isle of Man, 273.

Sabæan worship of planets, 432.

"Sabrinum ostium," meaning of words, 87; Arthur's last battle fought near, ib.

Sacrifices, see Human.

Sagas, 254; as to Harald Hildetand, 280.

Sakya Muni, date of, 455; influences Buddhism, 506; is not Woden, 496.

Salkeld, Arthur's seventh battle, 137, See Cumrew.

Sanchi rail, 492; gate, 94; no images of priests, 501; relics of saints, 504; dagobas and stupas, 41.

Sandulf the Swarthy, 272.

Santa Barbara, Nurhags at, 428 et seq. See Mediterranean Islands.

Santander dolmens, 378.

Sardis, tombs at, 32; age of, 32.

Sariputra, see Mogalana.

Sarsen stones, at Ashdown, 122; what they represent, ib.; at Avebury, 73, 86; whence they came, 95; at Stonehenge, 94.

Saturnia, dolmen at, 391-2.

Sauclières dolmen, 335.

Saumur, grotte des feés near, 341.

Säve, Karl, letter from, respecting diggings at Oden's Howe, 526-7.

Savernake Forest, 87.

Saxo-Grammaticus as to Gorm's son, 296.

Saxons, defeat of, by Vortimer, 106; battle with Vortigern, 119.

Saxons, march of, in the West, 88; encounter Arthur, 88-9, 132; their defeat near Penrith, 132; traded with and settled in Britain before Cææsar's time, 133-4; grave mounds in England, 36; articles supposed Saxon at Stand Lowe, 13.

Saxons, Prussian, 301.

Saxony, dolmens in, 301.

Scandinavia and North Germany, 275; Danes, their megalithic remains little known, ib.; false route of their antiquaries, 276; except Sjöborg, 277; their early historians little reliable, ib.; Scandinavian history prior to Christ, ib.; Odin, fable as to, ib.; Frode I., date of, 278; and of Harald Harfagar, ib.; list of kings, ib.; battle-fields, ib.; Kongsbacka, 279; its analogy to Dartmoor, Ashdown, and Karnac alignments, ib.; view of, ib.; grave of Frode, but which Frode? ib.; battlefield of Swedes and Danes, ib.; Braavalla Heath, 280; resemblance to Moytura, ib.; circles, ib.; doubt as to date of, ib.'; square and triangular graves, 282; King Harald Hildetand, saga of, and Sigurd Ring, 283; tomb of former, 282; find of flints, 283; erroneous inference, ib.; form of grave, ib.; Hwitaby circles and Bauta stones at, 290; battle-fields, whose, ib.; Lothbrok, 291; Stiklastad, and circles there, ib.; circles and ovals, mounds and square enclosures, ib.; victory of Blenda, ib.; Freyrsö cairns, mounds, and ship barrows, ib.; tumuli, to what race due, aboriginal or invad-