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100; means of transport, 95-6; who erected, 97; intermediate circle, ib.; mere stones more numerous, 98; was Stonehenge a temple, 99; why hewn stones there, ib.; erected leisurely, ib.; trilithons called gates by Olaus, 101; question as to priority in time of the barrows or stone monuments, ib.; connexion between circles and British villages, 102; diggings there, 104; map of country around, 102; its builders not Christians, 104; whether sepulrhral, 112, 116; why erected and by whom, 106, 116. See Alignments, Avenues, Barrows, Bluestones, Finds, Sarsens.

Stones, worship of, forbidden, 24-6.

Stoney Littleton, chambered tumulus, 166; grave intended to be covered, 164; post-Roman, 289.

Strabo, account of Druids by, 5; of temple by, 21; barbarism of early Irish, 235.

Stuart, Glennie, and Kendal, W., assign Scottish birthplace and campaign to Arthur, 134.

Stuart, J., cited, 52, 239; as to diggings at Rayne, 264-5.

Stukeley, Dr., wild theory of, 3, 4, 15, 21, 64; adopted by Sir R. C. Hoare, 5; misunderstands text of Diodorus, 8; drawings by, 44; his visit to Shap, 129; compared in one respect to Boece, 135; his serpent interpolation at Stanton Drew, 150; his snake bit, 151.

Stupas in India, 41.

Suetonius, Druids met by, 5.

Sûf, dolmens near, 442.

Suhm, cited as to date of Lothbrok victories, 290.

Summit interments, 166. See Interments.

Sun worship forbidden, 25.

Sutherland, Duchess of, her etchings of ruins in Orkneys, 241.

Swansea, Arthur's Quoit at, 170.

Sweden, South, megalithic remains in, 15; circles, 47; dolmens in, 301.

Swen Grate, King, 291.

Sylhet, Mohammedan kingdom, 466.

Symbol stage, none in Ireland, 59.

Syria, trilithons in, 100.

Table-stones, 435-6.

Tabris circle, 453.

Tacitus cited as to three races in Britain, 162.

Tailton, Talton, or Telltown, burial of Irish kings there, 199; of Lough Crew, 219 et seq.; fair in honour of Magh Mor. King of Spain, 186.

Táin Bó Chuailgne, 196.

Talyots, or talayots, 434 et seq.; in Balearic isles, 410, 415.

Tamulians not builders of rude-stone monuments in India, 477.

Tantalais tumulus, 32.

Tara, Hill of, remains at, 193; early celebrity of, ib.; capital of Firbolgs and Dananns, 190, whence the name, 382.

Tartar tombs, 451.

Taylor, Col. Meadows, cited as to Indian dolmens, 469; and Shahpoor monuments, 485.

Teamair, wife of Herimon, 382.

Tee in Tope, 46; in rock at Ajunta, 47, 491; as connecting links between Eastern and Western dolmens, 489-90.

Temples, what structures not, 512; megalithic remains not, 20 et seq. See mounds.

Teocallis, Mexican, what, 514.

"Things," meaning of word, 20.

Thomas, Lieut., his account of monuments in the Orkneys, 241, 248.

Thorfin, 250; sons of, 528; where buried, 249; battle between them and Liotr, 528.

Three Ages, Danish doctrine of, 9; illusive application of, 10.

Thunderstone at Shap, 129, 130.

Thurnam, his work on British Skulls, 35, 35, 72; his inference from finds, 165, 286; as to West Kennet, 287.

Thyra, monument of Queen, 27, 250; finds, 297.

Tia Huauaco, ruins at, not like those attributed to Druids, 518; what they were, 519.

Tigernach, his date of Queen Meave's death, 184; of Crimthann's, 190.

Tika received by Rajahs from Bhils, 459.

Tin, route of ancient British commerce in, 334.

Toda tribe in India,. 459. See Bhil.

Toltecs, buildings of, 515.

Tollington, supposed avenue at, 117-9; obelisks at, 117.

Tombs—of Alyattes, 3; Atridæ, 32, 33; Cocumella, 33; Cœre, 33; Regulini Galeassi, 34; of great men marked by megalithic monuments, 15; of Isidorus, 100; Tartar, 451; Nilgiri hills, 473.

Toope, Dr., his letter to Aubrey respecting Hakpen Hill, 76, 77.

Tooth-relic, worship of, 504.

Topes in India found blind, 80. See Dagobs.

Tormore, 261.

Towers, round, at Brechin and Abernethy, 271.

Town of the Stone of the Strangers, 229.

Tras os Monies dolmens, 378.

Tree-worship forbidden, 24, 25.

Trepuco talyot, 435.

Triads, Welsh authority for interments at Stonehenge, 110; as to stone of Cetti, 173; value of, as authority, ib.

Triangular monuments, 315; perhaps cuneatus ordo of Olaus Magnus, ib.

Trie, holed dolmens, 343.