Page:Rudyard Kipling's verse - Inclusive Edition 1885-1918.djvu/566

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Ah there, Piet! picked up be'ind the drive! . The wonder wasn't 'ow 'e fought, but 'ow 'e kep' alive, With nothin' in 'is belly, on 'is back, or to 'is feet I've known a lot o' men behave a dam' sight worse than Piet.

No more I'll 'ear 'is rifle crack

Along the block'ouse fence The beggar's on the peaceful tack,

Regardless of expense; For countin' what 'e eats an' draws,

An' gifts an' loans as well, 'E's gettin' 'alf the Earth, because 'E didn't give us 'Ell!

Ah there, Piet! with your brand-new English plough, Your gratis tents an' cattle, an' your most ungrateful


You've made the British taxpayer rebuild your country- seat

I've known some pet battalions charge a dam' sight less than Piet.



'TWERE is a world outside the one you know,

To which for curiousness 'Ell can't compare It is the place where "wilful-missings" go, As we can testify, for we are there.

You may 'ave read a bullet laid us low,

That we was gathered in "with reverent care"

And buried proper. But it was not so,

As we can testify, for we are there!