A. D. 1278. Anno fexto Edwardi I. 71 tates habere "clamant, & quo warranto, & tu ipfe fis ibidem perfonaliter una cum ballivis & miniftris ad cer- tificandum ipfos jufticiarios fuper his & aliis negotiis illud tangentibus._ ' V. This Claufe of Liberties, that beginneth in this wile, Pracipimus tibi, quod pubiice proclaman facias, ' &c. is put in the Writ of common Summons of the Juftices in Eyre, and fhall have a Premonition by the ' Space of forty Days, as the common Summons hath ; (2) fo that if any Party that claimeth to have a Li- ' berty be before the King, he mail not be in Default before any Juftices in their Circuits ; for the King ' of his fpecial Grace hath granted, that he will fave that Party harmlefs as concerning that Ordinance. ' ( 1) And if the fame Party be impleaded upon fuch manner of Liberties before one or two of the forefaid ' juftices, the fame Juftices, before whom the Party is impleaded, ftiall fave him harmlefs before the other ' juftices ; and lb fhall the Kingalfo before him, when it {nail appear by the Juftices, that fo it was in Plea • ' before them as is aforefaid. (4) And if the forefaid Party be afore the King, fo that he cannot be the fame ' Day afore the faid Juftices in their Circuits, the King fhall fave that Party harmlefs before the forefaid ' Juftices in their Circuits for the Day, whereas he was before the King. (5) And if he do not come in J- iberties fcifed ' at the fame Day, then thofe Liberties fhall be taken into the King's Hands in Name of Diftrefs, by the jnto the King's ' Sheriff of the Place, fo that they fhall not ufe them until they come to anfwer before the Juftices; (6) N ™ e s ^ j}?". ' and when they do come in by Diftrefs, their Liberties fhall be replevifed (if they demand them) in the ft re f s . ' which Replevins they fhall anfwer immediately after the Form of the Writ aforefaid ; (7) and if percafe ' they will challenge, and fay that they are not bounden to anfwer thereunto without an original Writ, ' then if it may appear by any mean, that they have ufurped or occupied any Liberties upon the King, or ' his Predeceflors, of their own Head or Prefumption, they fhall be commanded to anfwer incontinent ' without Writ, and moreover they fhall have fuch Judgement as the Court of our Lord the King will award ; (8) and if they will fay further, that their Anceftors died feifed thereof, they fhall be heard, and the Truth mall be inquired incontinent, and according to that Judgement fhall be given ; (o) and if it proximo aaventu noitro in com preeuici vei coram jumcianis noiuis au proximam amiam, cum in , ~:~ ~ partes illas venerint, oftenfurus quo warranto tenet vifum francipleg' in manerio fuo de N. veiftc, . quo war- otl " ' ert ' ranto tenet hundredum de S. in com' prasdicF ; vel, quo warranto clamat habere thelonium pro fe & hte- redibus fuis per totum regnum noftrum ; & habeas ibi hoc breve. Tefte, &c. (10) ' And if they come in ' at the fame Day, they lhall anfwer, and Replication and Rejoinder fliall be made ; (n) and if they do not ' come, nor be effoined before the King, and the King do tarry longer in the fame Shire, the Sheriff fhall ' be commanded to caufe them to appear the fourth Day ; ( 1 z) at which Day if they come not, and the ' King be in the fame Shire, fuch Order fliall be taken as in the Circuit of Juftices ; (13) and if the King ' depart from the fame Shire, they fhall be adjourned unto fiiort Days, and fliall have reafonable Delays ' according to the Difcretion of the Juftices, as it is ufed in perfonal Aclions. (14) Alfo the Juftices in ' Eyre in their Circuits fhall do according to the forefaid Ordinance, and according as fuch Manner of Pleas ' ought to be ordered in the Circuit. (15) Concerning Complaints made and to be made of the King's Bai- ' lifts, and of other, it fliall be done according to the Ordinance made before thereupon, and according to ' the Inquefts taken thereupon heretofore ; ( 16) and the Claufe fubferibed fliall be put in a Writ of common- ' Summons in the Circuit of the Juftices affigned to common Pleas directed to the Sheriff,, bfc. and that ' fliall be fuch :' Rex vie' falutem. Prrecipimus tibi, quod pubiice proclamari facias, quod omnes conque- A Proclamation,. rentes, feu conqueri volentes, tarn de miniftris & aliis ballivis noftris quibufcunque, quam de miniftris & th . at 3l! > wh ° ballivis aliorum quorumcunque, & aliis, veniant coram jufticiariis noftris ad primam aflifam, ad quafcunque T 1 " coro P lain of querimonias fuas ibidem oftendendas, & competentes emendas inde recipiendas fecundum legem & c'ohfuetu->g C e rs ftfaf] /he" dinem regni noftri, & juxta ordinationem per nos inde faclam, & juxta tenorem ftatutorum noftrorum, & their Griefs to juxta articulos iifdem jufticiariis noftris inde traditos, prout preedicti jufticiarii tibi fcirefaciant ex parte noftra. the Juftices. Tefte meipfb, &c. decimo die Decembris, anno regni noftri, &c. A Statute 30 die O&obris, Anno 7 Edwardi I. Stat, 1. arid Anno Dom. 1279. To all Parliaments and Treatifes every Man fhall come without Force and Arms". Cotton MS. Claudius, D. 2. TT"> DWARD par la grace de dieu Roi Dengle- [H terree Seignur Dirland & Due Daquit' A fes ■*— ' Juftices du Baunk faluz. Come nadgairs devant certeins perfons deputez a treter fur afcuns debates euz entre nous & afcuns des grauntz de noftre roialme entre autres chofes fuift accorde qen noftre profchein parlement apres purveiaunces fait per nous & le comune Affente- ment des Prelates Countes Barouns qen toutes Par- lementz tretementz & autres r.flemblez qe fe fer- ront en le roialme Denglete: ;e a touz jours qe homme viegne faunz tote force & fanz armes bien vara " * A § HE King to the Juftices ©f his Bench fend- • R ea( i Eil , :l , a eth Greeting. Whereas of late before cer- by the Grace of " "*■ tain Perfons deputed to treat upon fundry c^ A"% of " Debates had between us and certain great Men of E *z'"' : «> L --><< " our Realm, amongft other Things it wasaccorded, ^J'7" 7 ^,,";;' " That in our next Parliament, after Provifion fliall be f J',?' i L th*jaf- " made by us, and the common Affent of the Prelates, iiees,.&e. " Earls, and Barons, that in all Parliaments, Trea- " tifes, and other Affemblies, which fliould be made " in the Realm oi England for ever, that every Man " fliall come without all Force and Armour', ■iA'eU nrni " peaceably, to the Honour of us, and the Peace of us
- This is taken from the Secunda Pan Vctcrum Siatutorum, and is in all the Er,aL ; i!-. Edii ien$,