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94- StaL i. Anno decimo tertio Edwardi I. A.D. 1285. C A P. XX. The Tenant's Anfwer in a Writ of Coflnsgc, Aiel, and Be/aid. 6Ed. 1. flat. 1. Fitz. Brief, 449, 269. 6 H. 7. f. 7. F.!tz. Ceffavit, 1, z, 3,4, 7, 8, 17,21, 22, 30, 3 J > 33, 34. 35. 4;, 46, 50, 51, 54. 8*Co. iig. Fitz. Ceffavit, 41. Co. Lit. 154. 6 Ed. 1. flat. I. &2. Regift. 237. 2lEd. 3. f. 29. Filz. Wafte, 25, 96. 2 J rift. 403. Co. Lit. 200. 52 H. 3. 1,-23. 6 Ed. j. [.5, WKereas that Juftices in a Pka of Mortdauncef- tor, have ufed to admit the Anfwer of the Tenant, that the Plaintiff is not next Heir of the fame Anceftor, by whofe Death he demanded the Land, and is ready to enquire the fame by Affife ;" (z) it is agreed, That in Writs of Cofmage, Aiel, and Befaiel, which be of the fame Nature, his Anfwer fhall be admitted and enquired, and according to the fame Inquifition they ihall proceed to Judgement.' Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. CUM Juftitiarii in placito Mortis antece/lbris admittere confueverint refponfionem tenentis quod petens non eft propinquior heres antecefforis de cujus morte tenementum petitur & hoc paratus eft per affifam inquirere concordatum eft quod in brevibus de Confanguinitate Avo & Proavo que funt ejufdem nature admittatur ilia refponfio & in- quiratur & fecundum illam inquifitionem ad judi- cium procedatur. C A P. XXI. A Ceffavit by the chief Lord againft his Freehold Tenant. WHereas in a Statute made at Glouce/ler, cap. 4. it is contained, That if any leafe his Land to another to pay the Value of the fourth Part of the Land, or more, the Leflbr, or his Heir, after the Payment hath ceafed by two Years, fhall have an Action to demand the Land fo leafed in demean." (2) In like manner it is agreed, that if any with-hold from his Lord his due and accuftomed Service by two Years, the Lord fhall have an Action to demand the Land in demean by fuch a Writ:' (3) Praecipe A. quod jufte, &c. reddat B. tale tenementum quod A. de eo tenuit per tale fervitium, & quod ad praedjctum B. reverti debet, eo quod predictus A. in faciendo pras- didtum fervitium, per biennium ceffavit, ut dicitur. ' II. And not only in this Cafe, but alfo in the Cafe ' whereof Mention is made in the faid Statute of Glou- ' ce/ler, Writs of Entry fhall be made for the Heir of ' the Demandant againft the Heir of the Tenant, and ' againft them to whom fuch Land fhall be aliened.' CUM in ftatuto edito apudGlouc' contineatur quod ft quis dimiferit terram alicui ad redden- dum valorem quarte partis tenementi vel majoris habeat ille qui dimifit vel ejus heres poftquam fue- rit a folutione ceffatum per biennium actionem pe- tendi tenementum fie dimiffum in dominico. Eo- dem modo concordatum eft quod ft quis detineat domino fuo fervicium debitum vel confuetud' per biennium habeat dominus actionem petendi tene- mentum in dominico per tale breve : Precipe A. quod jujle &c. reddat B. tale tenementum quod C. de eo tenuit per tale fervicium & quod ad prediclum B.- reverti debet eo quod prediHus A. in faciendo fervi- cium prediclum per biennium ceffavit ut dicit. Et non folum in ifto cafu fet in cafu de quo fit mentio in predicto ftatuto Glouc' fiant brevia de Ingreffu heredi petenti fuper heredem tenentis & fuper eos quibus alienatum fuerit hujufmodi tene- mentum. CAP. XXII. Wafte maintainable by one Tenant in common againft another. ' X /Hereas two or more do hold Wood, Turf-land, ' VV or Fifhing, or other fuch Things in common, ' wherein none knoweth his feveral, and fome of them ' do Wafte againft the Minds of the other, an Action ' may lie by a Writ of Wafte ; (2) and when it is ' come unto Judgement, the Defendant fhall choofe ' either to take his Part in a Place certain, by the She- ' riff, and by the View, Oath, and Alignment of his ' Neighbours fwom and tried for the fame Intent, or

  • elfe he fhall grant to take nothing from henceforth in
  • the fame Wood, Turf-land, and fuch other, but as

c his Partners will take. (3) And if he do choofe to

  • take his Part in a Place certain, the Part wafted fhull

' be affigned for his Part, as it was before he commit- ' ted the Wafte. (4) And there is fuch a Writ in this c Cafe, that is to fay,' Cum A. & B. tenent bofcum pro indivifo, B. fecit vaftum, &c. CUM duo vel plures teneant bofcum turbariam piicariam vel alia hujufmodi in communi abf- que hoc quod aliquis fciat fuum feperale & aliquis' eorum faciat vaftum contra voluntatem alterius mo- veatur actio per breve de Vafto & habeat defendefts cum ad judicium venerit electionem capiendi par- tem fuam in certo loco per vicecomitem & vifum & facramentum & affignationem vicinorum ad hoc eledtorum& juratorum vel quod concedatquod ni- chil capiet decetero in hujufmodi bofco turbaria & aliis nifi fecundum quod participes fui capere vo- luerint. Et ft rligat capere partem fuam in certo loco aflignetur ei in fua parte locus vaftatus fecun- dum quod fuit antequam vaftum fecit. Breve in hoc cafu : Cum A. & B. teneant bofcum pro indivifo B. fecit vaftum, &c. Regift. 76. Hit 20 Ea, x.Jiat. 2, concerning rfafle; and 11 H. 6. c. 5. -where Wajle U maintainable againft a Tenant who grants c-ver bit Eftatc, and takes the Profit. CAP.