Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/143

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A.D. 1285.- Anno decimo tertio Edwardi I. Stat, f , 97 Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. coram Juftitiariis qui affifam ceperint & offerat ve- xificare per recordum vel per rotulos quod affifa alias tranfivit de eodem tenemento inter eafdem partes vel quod querens alias fe retraxerit de con- fimili brevi vel placit'um pendeat per breve de al- tiori natura fiat ei breve de Facieiido venire fuper hoc recordum & cum illud habuerit fi videat Jufti- tiarius quod recordum ita ei miffum valeret ante judicium quod per illud excluderetur querens ab aftione fua ftatim faciat Juftitiarius fcire parti que prius recuperavit quod fit ad certum diem ad quern rehabeat defendens feifinam fuam & dampna fi que prius folvit per primum judicium fimul cum damp- nis que habuit poft primum judicium redditum que ei reftituantur in duplo ut fupradiclum eft & ni- chilominus puniatur ille qui primo recuperavit per prifonam fecundum difcretionem Juftic'. Eo- dem modo fi defendens contra quem tranfivit affifa in fua abfentia oftendat cartas vel quietas claman- tias fuper quarum confectione non fuerunt jurato- res examinati nee examinari poterunt pro eo quod de eis non fiebat mentio in placitando & probabi- litei- ignorare poterunt confe&iones hujufmodi fcriptorum Juftitiarii vifis fcriptis illis faciant- fcire parti que prius recuperavit quod fit ad certum diem & venire faciant jurat' illius affife & ft per veredi&um jurat' vel forte per irrotulamentum fcripta ilia verificaverit puniatur ille qui affifam impetravit contra factum fuum per penam fupra- dictam. Et non capiat decetero vicecomes bovem 3 diffeifito fet a diffeifttore tantum & ft plures fint diffeifitores in uno brevi nominati nichilominus de uno bove fit contentus nee exigat bovem nifi de precio quinque folidorum & quatuor denar' vel precium. fame Juftices that took the Affife, and offer to prove Fitz. Afl". 5. by Record or Rolls, that another Time an Affife I2 3> pafled between the fame Parties of the fame Land, * ltz ' ^"g""* or that the Plaintiff at another Time did withdraw v. u?B.' iii°° his Suit in a like Writ, or that a Plea hangeth by a &c. Writ of more high Nature, a Writ of Venire facias Raft. no. fhall be granted unto him to caufe the fame Record Re s lft - » : °- to be brought ; and when he hath the fame, and the Juftices do perceive, that the Record fo fhewed by him would have been fo available before the Judge- ment, that the Plaintiff by Force of the fame fhould have been barred of his Action, the Juftices (hall prefently caufe the Party to be warned that firft re- covered, that he appear at a certain Day, at the which the Defendant fhall have again his Seifin and Damages (if he before paid any by the firft Judge- ment given) * which {nail be reftored him to the * Add together Double, as before is faid ; (ic) and alfo he that firft ™ w "* e f fl ; ter tpejiijt juag- recovered fhall be punifhed by Imprifonment accord ing to the Difcretion of the Juftices. (16) In the ment given, fame Manner if the Defendant, againft whom the which, Wc, Affife paffed in his Abfence, (hew any Deeds or Re- J 7 Ed - 3.^28. leafes, upon the making whereof the Jury were not examined, nor could be examined, becaufe there was no Mention made of them in pleading, and by Probability might be ignorant of the making of thofe Writings ; the Juftices upon the Sight of thofe Wri- tings fhall caufe the Party to be warned that recovered, that he appear at a certain Day, and fhall caufe the Jurors of the fame Affife to come; (17) and if he 12 H. 4. f. 9. fhall verifie thofe Writings to be true by the Verdict 7 H - 4- f - 45- of the Jurors, or by Inrollment, he that purchafed Fltz ' Aff> 4 1S ' the Affife contrary to his own Deed, fhall be punifhed by the Pain aforefaid. (iS) And the Sheriff from henceforth fhall not take an Ox of the Difeiffee, but of the Diffeifor only ; and if there be many Difieifors named in one Writ, yet fhall he be contented with one Ox ; nor fhall receive any Ox but of v s. f Price, I ■ or the Value.' See farther concerning JSJJifes 7 Rich. 2. c. 10. 4 Hen. 4. c. S 6 Hen. 6. c, 2. 11 Hen. 6. c. i. f Add and four Pence. Ar.dzT.H.%, 3. CAP. XXVI. Who may bring a Writ of Rediffeifin, and the Punifhment of the Offender therein. IN brevibus de Reddiffeifina adjudicentur decetero dampna in duplo & fint reddiffeifttores decetero irreplegiabiles per commune breve. Et- ficut in ftatuto de Merton provifum fuit illud breve de hiis qui diffeifiti fuerunt poftquam recuperaverunt per affifas Nove diffeifme Mortis antecefforis aut per alias juratas ulterius habeat decetero illud breve lo- cum illis qui recuperaverunt per Defaltam Reddi- tionemvel alio modo fine recognitione affifarum vel juratarum. N Writs of Rediffeifin from henceforth double Da- a inft. 416, mages fhall be awarded, and the Rediffeiibrs fhall 15 H. 7. f. 8. not be repJeviahle hereafter by the common 'Writ. Co> ***} J 54' (2) And like as in the Statute of Merton the fame Writ was provided for fuch as were diffeifed after they had recovered by Affife of Novel dijjeifin, of Mart- . dauncejior, or other Jurates ; (3) even fo from hence- forth the fame Writ fhall further hold Place for them that fhall recover by Default, Reddition, or other- wife, without Recognition of Affifes or Jurates/ 20 H. 3. 52 H. 3. c. : Kaft. 548. C A P. XXVII. Effoin after Inqueft, but none after Day given Prece partium. POftquam aliquis pofuerit fe in inquifttionem ad proximum diem allocetur ei eflonium fet ad alios dies fequentes per eflonium non differatur captio inquifitionis five prius habuit eflonium five non nee admittatur eflonium poft diem datum pre- ce partium in cafu quo partes venire confentiunt fine effonio. Vol. I, Fter any hath puthimfelf to an Inqueft, an Ef- 2 inft, 4,7. , foin fhall be allowed him at the next Day ; Fitz. Eiibin, ' (2) but all the other Days following, the taking of 15. Si, 83, 130, ' the Inqueft fhall not be delayed by the Effoin, whe- r d y "n Z ' > n ' ' ther he were effoined before, or no; (3) neither fliall r0 " ar .' 5 " ' any Effoin be allowed after Day given Prece partium, ' in cafe where the Parties content to come without Raft. 297. c Effoin.' O CAP.