Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/153

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A. D. 1285. Anno decimo tertio Edward 1 I. Stat. 107 Ex Rat. in Turr. Lond. •lint Dominus Rex inquiri fecit quern {latum pre- dicli miniftri de feodo habere confueverunt tempo- retroactis U per inquifitionem ftatuit & pre- cepit quod Marefcallus de feodo qui de novo exigit palefridum de Comitibus Baronibus & aliis per partem Baronie tenentibus quando homagium fe- ccrunt & nichilominus ad militiam eorum alium palefridum & de quibufdam de quibus palefridum habere non debent palefridum de novo exigunt or- dinavit quod prediitus Marefcallus de quolibet Comit? & Barone integram Baroniam tenente de unico palefrido fit contentus vel de precio quale antiquitus percipere confueverunt ita quod fi ad ho- magium quod fecit palefridum vel precium ceperit in forma predi6la ad militiam fuam nichil capiat Et fi forte ad homagium nichil ceperit ad militiam ca- piat. De Abbatibus & Prioribus integram Baro- niam tenentibus cum homagium aut fidelitatem fe- cerint pro Baroniis fuis capiat palefridum vel pre- cium ut prediclum eft. Hoc idem de archiepifco- pis & epifcopis eft obfervandum. De hiis autem qui partem baronie tenent five fint religiofi five fe- ■culares capiant fecundum portionem partis Baronie quam tenent. De religiofis tenentibus in liberam elemofynam & non per Baroniam vel partem Ba- ronie nichil decetero exigat marefchallus. Etcon- ceffit Dominus Rex quod per hoc ftatutum non ■precludatur marefcallus fuus de feodo in plus pe- tendo fi impofterum oftendere poterit quod jus ha- beat plus petendi. Camerarii Domini Regis ha- beant decetero de Archiepifcopis Epifcopis Abba- tibus Prioribus & aliis perfonis ecclefiafticis Comi- tibus Baronibus integram Baroniam tenentibus rationabilem finem cum homagium aut fidelitatem pro Baroniis fuis fecerint Et fi per partem Baronie teneant capiat rationabilem finem fecundum porti- onem ipfos contingentem. Alii vero Abbates & Priores & alii religiofi 6c feculares non tenentes per baroniam vel partem baronie non diftringantur ad finem faciendum fecundum quod de tenentibus per baroniam vel partem baronie diftum eft fet fit camerarius de fuperiori indumento contentus vel de precio indumenti quod plus dictum eft pro re- ligiofis quam fecularibus quia honeftius eft quod re- ligiofi finem faciant pro fuperiori indumento quam exuantur. long Time; (2) our Lord the King hath caufed to be enquired by an Inqueft what the (aid Officers of Fee have ufed to have in Times palled, and hath or- dained and commanded, That a Marfhal of Fee, which of new afketh a Palfray of Earls, Barons, and other holding by a Part of a Barony when they have done Homage, and neverthelefs another Palfray when they are made Knights, and of fome that ought not to give any, afk a Palfray: (■?) It is in . like Manner ordained, That the faid Marfhal of eve- ry Earl and Baron, holding by an entire Barony, fhall be contented with one Palfray, or with the Price of it, fuch as he hath ufed to have of old; (4.) fo that if he took a Palfray, or the Price of one, at the doing of his Homage in Form aforefaid, he fhall take nothing when he is made Knight ; and if he took nothing at the doing of his Homage, when he is made Knight he fhall take. (5) Of Abbots and Priors holding an whole Barony, when they do ho- mage or Fealty for their Baronies, he fhall take one Palfray, or the Price, as afore is faid. (6) And this fhall alio be obferved amongft Archbifhops and Bi- fbops. Of fuch as hold but a Part of a Barony, whether they be Religious or Secular, he fhall take according to the Portion of the Part of the Barony that they hold. (7) Of religious Men that hold in Religious^Mtrs. free Alms, and not by a Barony, nor Part of a Ba- rony, the Marfhal from henceforth fhall demand no- thing. (8) And our Lord the King hath granted, that by this Statute a Marfhal of Fee fhall not be barred hereafter ■ to demand more, if he can fhew that he haih Right unto more. (9) The King's The King's Chamberlains from henceforth fhall have of Arch- Chamberlain:, bifhops, Bifhops, Abbots, Priors, and other Perfons Spiritual, of Earls and Barons holding an entire Ba- rony, a reafonable Fine when they do their Homage or Fealty ; (10) and if they hold by a Part of a Ba- rony, they fhall take a reafonable Fine according to the Portion to them belonging. (11) Other Abbots, Priors, and other Perfons Spiritual and Temporal, that hold no entire Barony, nor Part of a Barony, fhall not be diftrained to make Fine, as it is faid by them that hold by a Barony, or Part of a Barony, but the Chamberlain fhall be contented with his up- per Garment, or with the Price thereof; which is done in Favour of Perfons religious more than of Lay Perfons ; for it is more convenient that religious Men fhould fine for their upper Garment, than to 01>J. by 12 Car. be ftripped.' 2. c. 24. and 31 H. 8, c. 13. CAP. XLIII. Hofpitallers and Templars fhall draw no Man into Suit, &c. PRohibetur decetero Hofpitelar' & Templar' ne decetero trahant aliquem in placitum coram confervatoribus privilegiorum fuorum de aliqua re cujus cognitio ad forum Regium pertineat quod fi fecerint primo reftitutis dampnis parti gravate & verfus Regem graviter puniantur. Prohibet etiam Dominus Rex confervatoribus privilegiorum eorun- dem ne decetero ad inftantiam Templariorum Ho- fpitelariorum aut aliorum privilegiatorum conce- dant citationes quoufque fciverint fuper qua re fieri debeat citatio. Et fi viderint hujufmodi confer- vatores quod petatur citatio de aliqua re cujus cognitio ad forum fpeftat regium hujufmodi con- fcrvatoies nee citationem faciant nee cognofcant. E it prohibited from henceforth to Hofpitallers 1 and Templars, that hereafter they bring no Man in Plea before the Keepers of their Privileges for any Matter, the Knowledge whereof belongeth to the King's Court ; which if they do, firft, they fhall yield Damages to the Party grieved, and be grievoully punifhed unto the King, (z) The King alfo pro- hibiteth to the Keepers of fuch Privileges, that from henceforth they grant no Citations at the Inftance of Hofpitallers, Templars, or other Perfons privileged, before it be expreffed upon what Matter the Citation ought to be made. (3) And if the Keepers do fee that a Citation is required upon any Matter, the Knowledge whereof belongeth to the King's Court, P 2 'the a Inft. 464. Regift. 39„ The liaffitalers ivere an Order of religious Knights infiituted in the Tear luS. Tie Lands and Goods of thefc Knights ivere given to the King by 32 J7.8. c. 34. "The Templars "were another Or- der of religious Knights injiituted hi the Tear II 19,,