Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/170

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124 Stat. 3, Anno decimo o&avo Edwardi I. A. D. 1290. Raft. 540. Richard, without Interruption, and can fhew the fame by a lawful Enqueft, fliall well enjoy their Pof- fefllon; (2) and in cafe that fuch Pofleflion be de- manded for Caufe reafonable, our Lord the King fhall confirm it by Title. (3) And thofe that have old Charters of Franchife, mall have the fame Char- ters adjudged according to the Tenor and Form of them. (4) And thofe that have loft their Liberties fith Eafter laft parted by the forefaid Writ, accord- ing to the Courfe of Pleading in the fame Writ here- tofore ufed, fhall have Reftitution of their Franchife loft, and from henceforth they fhall have according to the Nature of this prefent Constitution.' Cotton MS. puifTent monftrer per bone enquefte bien fe joient de cele pofleflion. Et fi celle pofleflion foit de- maunde per raifon noftre Seign' le Roi le confer- mera per title Et ceux qi ount veuz chartres des fraunchifes ferrount les chartres ajuggez felonc la tenure & la fourme de mefmes celes chartres. Et ceux qi ount perdu lour fraunchifes puis le Pafqe darrein & per lavantdit brief en la fourme avant ufe en plee del avantdit brief eient reftitucion de lour fraunchifes perduz & derechief pledent felonc la nature de la prefente conftitucion. 2 Inft. 510. 5 Co. .9. The Order of levying of a Fine.

  • Or Who will

give ? Sir, R. Raft. 349. The Foim of a Fine, What Things be rcjuifite to make a Fine good. 27 Ed. 1. flat. I. c. I- ■)■ Eifewhere. What Perfon ftwli be con- cluded by a Fine. iR. 3. c 7 . 4 H. 7. c. 24. 4O. 1 25. 4 Ed. 3. (46. I? Ed. 2. flat. ofCarlifle, rcquh iffj Conusor to a' t [ear ferfo- natly, if able. Tor tie Dc£frir:e if Finn fee far- ther, 34. EJ. 3. Ct6v5tf.4-c.i4. 32 //. 8. c. 36. I Mar. fiat. 2. .. 7- »3 EUz., c. 3. AniifAan.c. 16. 415. Modus levandi Fines, Anno i8Edw. I. Stat. 4. Anno Dom. 1290. The Manner of levying of Fines : What Things be requifite to make them good, and who are bound by them. Cotton MS. Claudius, D. z. OUANT le brief original foit lieu en pre- fence des parties devant Juftices Donqes dirra un countour iflint Sire Juftice conge daccorder Le Juftice luy dirra Que durra Sire Robt &nomera uncles parties dount quant ils ferrount une gent de la fomme de la peccune qeft done au Roi donqes dirra la Juftice criez la pees & puis dirra le countour iffint Qe la pees eft ycele a voz congez qe William & Alice fa femme qe cy fount reconiiTent le manoir de B. ove les appertenantz contenuz en le brief eftre droit de R. come eel qil ad de le doun a aver & tenir a luy & fes heirs de William & Alice & a les heirs Alice come en de- meigne rentes feigneries countes plees purchaces gardes mariages reliefs efchetes molours Avoefouns deglifes & toute auters fraunchifes & fraunks cu- ftumes a lavantdit manoir appertenauntz rendant per an a Robt & A fes heirs a chief feignerages de fee fervices dues & cuftumee pur touts fervices. Et fait aflavoir qe ordre de ley ne fuffre mie qe finale accorde foit leve en la courte le Roi faunz brief ori- ginal & ceo a tote le meins devant quatre Juftices en Baunk ou en Eire & nounpas aillours et en pre- fence des parties nomez en le brief qe font de pleine age & de bone memorie & hors du prifone. Et fi femme covert de Baroun foit une des parties donqe covient qele foit primerement confefTe des quatre Juftices avantditz Et fi ele ne fent la fine ne fe levera mye Et la caufe pur quoi tiele fo- lempnite doit eftre faite en cele fine qe fine eft fi haute bare & de fi graunt force & de fi puiflaunt HEN the Writ original is delivered in Pre- fence of the Parties before Juftices, a Plea- der fhall fay this, Sir Juftice, Conge, de ac- corder; (z) and the Juftice fhall fay to him, * What faith Sir R. and fhall name one of the Parties. (3) Then, when they be agreed of the Sum of Money that muft be given to the King, then the Juftice fhall fay, Cry the Peace. (4) And after the Pleader fhall fay, In fo much as Peace is licenfed thus unto you W. S. and A. his Wife, that here be, do acknowledge the Ma- nor of B. with the Appurtenances contained in the Writ, to be the Right of our Lord the King, which he hath of their Gift, (5) to have and to hold to him and his Heirs, of the faid W. and A. and the Heirs of A. as in De- means, Rents, Seigniories, Courts, Pleas, Purchafes, Wards, Marriages, Reliefs, Efcheats, Mills, Advow- fons of Churches, and all other Franchifes and free Cu- Jloms to the f aid Manor belonging, paying yearly to R. and his Heirs, as chief Lords of the Fee, the Services and Cujloms due for all Services. (6) And it is to be noted, That the Order of the Law will not fuffer a finalAccord to belevied in theKing'sCourt withouta Writ original, and that muft be at the leaft before Four Juftices in the Bench, or in Eyre, and not f other- wife, and in Prefence of the Parties named in the Writ which muft be of full Age, of good Memory, and out of Prifon. (7) And if a Woman Covert be one of the Parties, then fhe muft be firft examined by Four of the faid Juftices; and if fhe doth not af- fent thereunto, the t ine fhall not be levied. (8) And the Caufe wherefore fuch Solemnity ought to be done in a Fine, is, becaufe a Fine is fo high a Bar, of fo great Force, and of foftrong Nature in itfelf, that it concludeth not only fuch as be Parties and Privies thereto, and their Heirs, but all other People of the World, being of full Age, out of Prifon, of good Memory, and within the Four Seas, the Dajr of the Fine levied, (9) if they make not their Claim of their Action wUhin a Year and a Day by the Coun- try.' nature en foi qel forclos nemye foulement ceux qi fount parties & prives a la fine & lour heirs mes touz auters gentz du monde qe fount de plein age hors du prifone de bone memorie & dedeinz les quaters meers le jour de la fine leve fils ne met- trount lour clayme de lour accion fur la pie de- deinz Ian & le jour. tbr