Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/180

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134 Stat. i. Anno vicefimo feptimo Edwardi I. A. D. 1299. 1 Ex Rot. in Turr. Load. forefta feivetur falvis tamen juramento noftro jure corone nbftre & racionibus noftris ac eciam aliorum que quidem per Venerabilem Patrem R. Archiepifcopum Cantuar' ex parte noftra & in noftr? prefencia tunc pronunciari fecimus et deinde apud Odimere in ipfo paffagio noftro in Flandr' eandem conceffionem fub figillo noftro obfervari precipiendo mandavimus & teneri per totum regnum noftrum in quolibetComitatu. Et quia a tempore illo c'itra per artacionem & diftricionem guerrarum eramus occupati muitipliciter & di- ftra&'i in diverfis Patriis & longinqnis propter quod fcire nequivimus ftatum regni noftri Nos diebus iftis quatenus nobis vacat noftram continuantes primariam voluntatem habuimus deiiberacionem luper conceflione noftra predicla et ad honorem Dei & fanfte Matris ecclefie ac commodum tocius populi regni noftri Volu- mus quod predicla magna carta de libertatibus obfervetur in omnibus punctis fuis et carta eciam de Forefta fecundum fubferiptos articulos qui funt tales Inquificio vel Vifus, &c. _ Trout in Cart, de Foreft. c. 6. et deinde ad coram eo terminentur.] Quos autem Articulos fupradictos firmiter & inviolabiliter obfervari Vo- lumus & teneri volentes nichilominus quod perambulacio fiat Salvis Temper juramento noftro jure Corone noftre & racionibus noftris atque calumpniis Ac omnium aliorum ita quod perambulacio ilia nobis reportetur antequam aliqua Execucio vel aliquid aliud inde fiat quam quidem perambulacionem Volumus quod fiat ficut predicitur adcicius quod fieri poterit poft negocia que habemus expedienda cum nunciis qui de Romana Cu- ria funt venturi que vero ita funt ardua quod non folum nos & regnum noftrum fet totam Chriftianitatem contingunt & ad ea fanius pertraclanda totum confilium noftrum habere plenarie indigemus Et poft concef- fionem noftram facram ficut fuperius exprimitur de premiffis diligenti Meditacionepenfavimus quofdam juris Defectus multimoda gravamina &c opprefliones que pluribus aliis modis prefato populo funt illata temporibus retroactis & Volumus fuper ill is que nobis occurebant adpfefehs ad alleviacionem Sc commoditatenr ejufdem •populi pro legis certitudine ftabilire & remedium apponere in hunc modum. CAP, I. No Exception to a Fine that the Demandant was feifed. Fines fhall be openly read. 2 Init. tit. • Read Father.. •}- Add and Cuft&ns, No Exception to a Fine, that the Demandant was always feilcd. Raft. 349, Sec. 3 Co. So - . Fitz- Replic. 6z, 63, 66. 42 Ed. 3. f. 19. Fines fhall be openly read, and then all Picas fhall ceafe. l3Ed. 1. flat. 4. of Fines. IzEd. 1. Conit- fors fhall be f}Cr~ fon illy prejent. I R bar Entails. 31 El , Orafmuch as Fines levied in our Court ought and ... -domakean End all Matters, anci therefore called Fines principally, where after waging cf Bar- tail or the great Aflife in their Cnies e i '•' the laft and final Place, (z) Arid ri by i : in Time paffed, as well in the Tim ing Henry of famous Memory, our * G'rai in our G'rat /■'. . ' ■ hfi our Time, the Parties of fuch Fines and their Heirs, contrary to the Laws f of our Time ufed, were admitted to adnu! and den ine, alledging, that before the Fine levied, and at the levying thereof, ;;nd fince, the Demandants or Plain- tiff's, or their Anceftors, were alway feifed of the Lands contained in the Fine, or of Parcel thereof; and fo Fines lawfully levied wierc many Times unjuftly defeated and adnulled by jurors of the Country falfly and malicioufly procured ;" ( % ) ' we therefore, intending to provide a Remedy in the PremifTes, in our Parliament at Wejiminjier have or- dained, that fuch Exceptions, Anfwers, or inquifi- tions of the Country, fhall from henceforth in no wife be admitted contrary to fuch Kecognifances or Fines. And further we will, That this Statute fhall as well extend unto Fines heretofore levied, as to them that fhall be levied' hereafter. And let the Juftices fee that fuch Notes and Fines, as hereafter fhall be levied in our Court, be read openly and fo- lemnly, and that in the mean Time all Pleas fhall ceafe; and this muft be at two certain Days in the Week, according to the Difcretion of the Juftices.' a. c. 7. who are hound hy Fines. 4 H. 7. c. 24. hotv often Fines to be proclaimed. . c. 2. abridging Proclamation j and fee farther 1 Mar. flat. 1. c. 7. 23 Etix, c. 3. CAP. II. UiA fines in Curia noftra levati finem litibus debent imponere & imponunt& ideo fines vo-

"fitur maxime cum poft duellum & magnam af-

fihm in luo cafu ultimum locum & finalem te-

neant & perpetuum. Jamque per aliquod tempus
preteritum tarn tempore clare memorie domini

Henrici regis patris noftri quam noftro partes eo- rundem finium & earum partium heredes contra leges & confuetudines regni antiquitus ufitatas fu- per hujufmodi finibus evacuandis & adnullandis admittebantur proponentes quod ante finem leva- turn & tempore levationis ejufdem & poftea peten- tes feu querentes aut eorum anteceflbres de tene- mentis in finibus contends aut de aliqua parte eo- rum femper fuerunt feifiti & fie fines hujufmodi rite levati per juratores patrie falfo fubornatos & ma- liciofe procuratos multotiens evacuabantur & ad- nullabantur minus jufte volentes fuper premiffis remedium adhibere in parliamento noftro apud Weftm' ftatuimus quod difte exceptiones feu re- fponfiones vel inquifitiones -patrie fuper hujufmodi exceptionibus feu refponfionibus nullo modo con- tra hujufmodi recognitiones & fines decetero ad- mittantur. Et volumus quod ftatutum iftud tarn locum habeat ad fines priits levatos quam impof- teri'm levandos. Et videant Jufticiarii quod note & fines in Curia impofterum levandi publice & fo- lempniter legantur & quod placita interim cefient omnino & hoc fiat per duos dies in feptimana fe- cundum difcretionem Jufticiar'. 31 H. S. c. 36. inhere Fines levied according to Statute fhall And 4 Ann. c. 16. A Sheriff fhall levy no more liTues than he hath Warrant for. His Tallies. A -Sheriff fna'l ex-cute his War- rant in levying t,i Iflues, and no more. 'E have alfo ordained, by the Advice of our Council, That from henceforth Sheriffs fhall not be charged of any IlTues to be levied, nor fhall levy any before they pafs out of the Exchequer, there to be delivered by the Extreats of the Juftices j (2) randas & q.uod in extractis Juftic' fingula capita onerentur ITEM ordinavimusdeconcilio noftro quod vice- comites decetero non onerentur de aliquibus exitibus levandis nee aliquos levent antequam ex- eant de fcaccario per extra£tas Juftic' ibiaem libe-