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i go Stat, i, Anno primo Edwardi III. A. D. 1327.


The Repeal of the Exile made void. See Appendix. CAP. III. The Executors of thofe that were wrongfully (lain mall have Action to 'recover their Teftators Goods. (2) All Affurances made to the Rebels by Durefs fhall be void. See Appendix. C A P. IV. Trial of an Averment in a Writ of falfe Judgement. Dyer 2'6i«  34. H. 6. f. 41. Fitz. Droit, 42, Fitz. Faux Judgment, t, 13, 14, 19. ■Rcgifl. r^. Co. 305. 52 H.3.C.20. ITEM, It is accorded, ordained, and eftablifhed in Amendment of the Law, That when a Record cometh into the King's Court by Writ of falfe Judge- ment, in cafe where the Party alledgeth that the Re- cord is otherwife than the Court doth record the fame, the Averment fhall be received of the good Country, and of them which were prefent in the Court when the Record was made, if they do come with others of the Country by the Sheriffs Return ; (z) and if they come not, the Inqueft fhall be taken by the good Country.' -•Read 19. 13 Ed. 1. flat. 1.

  • • 39-

3-'Er5. 1. c. 3S. j Ed. 3.C. *7.

  • 8£d. 3.C. 8.

34 Ed.o,. c. 7. 9 R. z. c. 3. And fee 11 H. 7. c. 2 1 & 24. 19 H 7. ft 3. 23 H- %■ c 3; and 37 H 8. c. 5. for farther Regtt- tatiomofAuamtst

  • Add 6 £?.

Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. AUxint eft acorde orch'ne & eftabli en amende- ment de la lei qe countre record de Court le quel record vient en la Court le Roi par bref de faux juggement en cas ou la partie dift qe le record eft autre qe la Court ne recorde foit receu averement de bone pais & de ceux qe furent prefentz en la Court quant le record fe fift fi tieux veignent ove les autres du pais par return de vifc' & fils ne veig- nent foit lenquefte pxife par bone pays. C A P. V- ... An Averment may be made againft falfe Returns of Bailiffs of Liberties. T TEM, It is provided and eftablifhed, That from i. henceforth againft the falfe Returns of Bailiffs of Franchifes, which have full Return of Writs, a Man fhall have Averment, and recover as well againft them as againft the King's Sheriff, as well of too little Iffues returned as in other Cafes, fo that it fall- eth not in Prejudice of the Lords, nor in the Blemifh of their Franchife ; (z) and that the Eftate of holy Church be always faved. And that all the Punifh- ment fall only upon the Bailiffs, by Punifhment of their Bodies, if they have not whereof to anfwer.' AUxint eft purveu & eftabli qe defore enavant countre faux return des bailliffs des fraun- chifes qe unt. plein .relojurn.des brefs eit homme averement & recoverer auxicome devers le vifc' le Roi auxibien de trop petit iffues retournez come en autre cas ifli qil ne chiete en prejudice des Seig- nours en emblemiffement de lour fraunchifes & qe leftat de feinte Eglife Toit touz jours Taiive. Et qe" tot le puniffement foulement chiete fur, les baillifs par puniffement de lour corps fil neierit de quoi re- fpoundre. CAP. VI. An Attaint will lie as well upon the Principal, as upon the Damages. 5 TEM, It is provided, That for the great Mis- chiefs, Damage, and Deftruftion that hath hap- pened to divers Perfons, as well of holy Church, as of other, by the falfe Oaths of Jurors in Writs of Trefpafs ; (2) from henceforth a Writ of Attaint fhall be granted as well upon the Principal as upon the Damages in. a Writ of Trefpafs. (3) And that the Chancellor which (hall be for the Time fhall have Power to grant fuch Writs of Attaints, without fpeak- ing therefore- to the King. (4) And in fuch and all other Cafes of Attaints, the Juftices fh;.ll not let to take the Attaints for the Damages not paid.' PUrveu eft enfement & eftabli qe pur les grauntz mefchefs damages & deflrudtions de divers per- fons auxibien des gentz de feint Eglife come dau- tres qe fount avenuz par faux ferment des jurours en brefs de trefpafs qe defore bref de atteint foit graunte auxibien fur le principal come fur les da- mages en brefs de Trefpafs. Et qe le Chaunceller qi pur temps ferra eit poair de graunter dels brefs datteintes faunz parler au Roi. Et qe en tieu cas & en touz autres de atteinz les Juftices ne leffent pas de prendre les atteinz pur les damages nient paiez. CAP. VII. Inquiry fnall be made of Gaolers, which by Durefs compel Pfifoners to appeal. 22 & 23 dr. 2. « T TEM, To efchew the Damage and Deftrucftiort /■>"; l a il'n ' * that of " terl doth ha PP en b y Sheriffs, Gadlers, and (omr'tfirDibtan* Kecp-rs °f Prifons, within Franchife and without, »«< 10 is lodgd * which have pained their Prifoners, and by fuch evil to gel her. ET qe pur efchure malx damages & deftru&ionS qe fount avenuz par vifc' gaolers gardeins de9 prifons deinz fraunchiie & dehors qe unt peine pri- fons & par autre male voie deftreint u procure adsyenu'